The Kratom tree (Mitragyna speciosa), an evergreen of the coffee (Rubiaceae) family, is found throughout Southeast Asia. Its leaves have long been used as a source of traditional medicine in the countries of Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, and Papua New Guinea.
How It Works
Until relatively recently, the mechanisms by which Kratom extracts worked were unknown, and the specifics of its preparation and usage were the exclusive domain of indigenous healers. But now that Kratom is entering the mainstream, science is helping us unlock its secrets and understand how it affects the brain on a molecular level.
The key to Kratom’s effectiveness lies in its unique blend of more than 40 alkaloid constituents, which act upon the brain’s neurotransmitter systems. The exact ratios of alkaloids vary based on the Kratom strain, batch, and supplier, but the primary alkaloid constituent is mitragynine, which is classified as an opioid agonist. Opiate agonists bind to the same brain receptors as traditional opiates such as heroin or morphine, while producing the same side-effects of pain relief and euphoria. But unlike the more dangerous drugs, Kratom doesn’t lead to addiction or cause negative physical side effects such as respiratory depression, constipation, and increasing dosage tolerance.
Due to its unique dose response curve, the specific Kratom effects of the particular strain on the brain depend a great deal on the dosage. Understanding the typical effects, which range from stimulation at low doses to sedation at high doses, can help you manage your expectations of how the product will affect you. It can also help you figure out the appropriate dose for your particular needs. (Keep in mind that the relationship between Kratom dosing and side effects can vary based on things like body composition and genetic makeup, so your results may differ slightly.)
- Low dosage (0 to 4 grams) – Mitragynine is a relatively weak alkaloid, so large amounts are required to produce a narcotic effect. At low doses, Kratom actually produce stimulatory effects, such as increased energy and mild euphoria. Side effects typical of opiates are absent or barely noticeable. Low doses can interfere with sleep, so it’s best to avoid it later in the day.
- Moderate dosage (4 to 6 grams) – A dose of Kratom in this range can produce a blend of stimulation and sedation, ideally resulting in a feeling of balanced well-being. Since more alkaloids are binding with receptors in the brain, opiate-like side effects are more noticeable, particularly at the higher end of the dosage scale.
- High dosage (6 or more grams) – The flood of alkaloids to the brain’s opiate receptors will result in a potent opioidergic/analgesic/sedative effect, with little to no feeling of stimulation. This dosage can “trick” the brain into feeling like it has taken a more traditional opiate, without the physiological risks associated with such drugs.
One of the most commonly reported side effects of Kratom is exceptionally vivid and memorable dreams. This likely occurs because Kratom has a profound influence on neurochemistry, modulating an array of neurotransmitter systems and actually altering brainwaves. This results in particularly intense delta waves during the sleep cycle, which the brain interprets as vivid dream imagery. Some users even report an enhanced ability to engage in lucid dreaming. This effect varies based on strain and dose. Low doses, though more likely to interfere with your ability to fall asleep, will probably have no noticeable effect on your dreams. The higher the dose, the greater the likelihood of evocative and interesting dreams.
If you don’t like plant type cure like kratom tree then you can use promind complex medicine it is quite useful and works like kratome tree.
My son is in a psych ward right now because of this drug. He has been taking it over the past few years and his mind is completely gone. He has devolved into a life filled with paranoid delusions in which he believes inanimate objects are antagonizing him. I was forced to have him commited recently because he believed that a woman reading a book on tape was jumping from my speaker into my body and he said that he was going to stab her in the heart if she did not stop messing with him. He was brandishing a knife at the time. He buys the drug in the form of O.P.M.S. pills from local head shops. Very soon I will be putting a curse on the people who put this drug on the market. My mother will help me and the last people she cursed ended up dead or suffering. I hope that the people who distribute this drug die screaming and my curse will ensure that they do.
to the lady talking about her son in the psychward, your son was doing more than just kratom lol… theres no correlation with kratom and thwas activities, what you described is more along the lines of K2
“Kratom doesn’t lead to addiction”
Tell that to literally everyone on the “I quit kratom” subreddit.
Kratom doesn’t “cause negative physical side effects such as respiratory depression, constipation, and increasing dosage tolerance.”
Tell that to literally everyone who has ever done kratom for any extended period of time.
Kratom sucks after using it for a few months. It’s NOT just a non-addictive painkiller and some coffee – it’s hell and many people report losing their health and even their hair over this BS.
This article is FOS. It’s probably paid for by the same people who sell kratom.
You should be ashamed of yourself, but you’re probably not.
I hope you pay for the lies, tho… Somehow.
You are all stupid. Kratom is a wonderful blessing along with all the other drugs. Yum yum yum!
The unfortunate people who exploit the powers of Kratom for it’s unexpected entertainment will never learn to appreciate and to savor the experiences of Kratom. I always recommend following the rule of minimum dose to reach an effect. This means taking notes and carefully recording results. How much, when and for THE INTENTION. THIS is the most important key in the mystery of the inner self. A human mind is an organ for the fulfillment of INTENTIONS. The mind SEEKS information. The kids don’t know where it is going because they do not set an intention. The compass is spinning without a purpose. You still need to incubate the dream that you want to make lucid. NOW you can go into it with your parachute on and land easy. You come out with a goal reached farther than you can go to with the conscious brainwaves of life. You can reach over the inner fences and boundaries. But it is a real clinical approach I am talking about. If you want to dream for years you are not getting what you went into it for. Sorry lady. Your kid went in without a compass. He did too much scoop. And he crashed and burned. It is not for the young and uninitiated. It’s cool yeah but you need to watch your step! This is not a toy!! Personally, I use it to find missing people and to enter the space of my spirit guide.
Wow. These comments make me wonder what In the hell you all are smoking. Is it crack?
Bunch of fucking schizos and a whole schizo family in the comments apparently
Also, kratom DEFINETLY leads to addiction. This article is pure dogshit.
Kratom is a life saver! Thanks for this.
Just because Kratom is addictive and has its problems like all drugs doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be able to buy it. Yes there are withdraws. The negatives of kratom are nothing compared to any other opiate. Everyone should have the freedom to put in their bodies what they choose. So just because a small amount of people have bad situations doesn’t mean it should be ruined for everbody.
Kratom is less harmful in my opinion than cannabis. THC can cause major psychosis and schizophrenia, but hey once again not for most. THe person with the son in the psychward you are just using Kratom as a scapegoat, and like the other person said he had to of been taking other things or his kratom was contaminated by a bad vendor which is an extremely low possibility.
I am so thankful for kratom. I love the low dose anti-anxiety it provides as well as the deep exploration of extremely vivid dreams.