It was not long ago that wearable gadgets were only seen in science-fiction movies. Today, however, they have the potential to transform our daily lives for the better. The incredible advancements made in technology have not only help to realise the dream of wearable gadgets, but they have also transformed these gadgets so that they can be used in innumerable ways. Here are the top seven ways to use a wearable tech this year.
Our health has deteriorated a lot in the last few decades, as unhealthy food coupled with a lack of workouts lead to a lot of issues early on in life. Most are unable to stick to a healthy lifestyle due to a lack of information about the day-to-day activities. However, wearable tech can be used to monitor several parameters of a person. This even includes monitoring the sitting posture, attitude, and location. Today, wearable tech has gone to the extent where it is possible to measure heart rate and analyse stress levels. They can significantly lower the health risks for an individual. Some of the popular examples of wearable tech that is focused on health are Fitbit Surge and Pebble Time.
Tracking Employees and Running Businesses
The businesses of today have gone beyond the four walls, as it is possible to run an extremely successful business even when on the move. Wearable tech lets a user monitor several aspects about employees. Even though it may be regarded as a violation of privacy, it can be used to monitor the activities of employees with their permission. Now, the process of getting the maximum work done is made much simpler. It is also extremely quick to assign jobs, change parameters, or perform other routine works using wearable gadgets. is one of the popular time tracking app for wearable devices.
Access to In-Depth Knowledge on the Move
It is possible to gain a wide variety of knowledge while on the move. Most of the content today is not available in a paper, as it is largely available in a digital format. This makes it easier for wearable tech to access the same and give it out to the user. The wearable tech can be more than just about viewing the content as it would appear on a paper. Instead, these devices can be used to provide three-dimensional images that provide lifelike content. This helps in the increase the overall knowledge gained from a tutorial. This translates into better usage of the knowledge.
Monitoring the Workouts
The biggest advantage so far with wearable tech has been the assistance provided in the world of maintaining fitness and health. The apps and devices of today monitor several parameters about an individual. It is also possible to use the wearable technology for games that are designed to act as a workout on their own. In terms of fitness, these devices are able to act as a way of preventing the user from getting injured while doing tasks that may be beyond their domain.
Immersive Gaming
Gaming is a segment where wearable technology is expected to get a huge boost. The Virtual Reality (VR) headsets have been making a lot of inroads into the gaming industry. More developers are now offering products for this platform, as they provide an immersive gaming experience. Rather than just having to be a player controlling various facets of the game through controllers, these VR headsets provide the opportunity to enter into a new dimension. Today, such immersive gaming experiences are available with platforms such as Vive even at online casinos like, where live dealer games are offered in significant numbers. These live dealer games provide the opportunity to experience a casino without having to be in one.
Making Payments a Lot Easier
The likes of Google Wallet and Apple Pay have become extremely popular of late. They allow payments to be made from a mobile device – or even from a wearable gadget. The latter will be especially useful, as marketers can use the gadgets to promote services or products. This promotion can be in the form of rewards, which will be offered to the user at the time of making a payment. Customers will appreciate this convenience element, as it means no longer missing out on great promotions.
Multitask with Greater Efficiency
A wearable device is a perfect solution to eliminate most of the stuff that we use every day. A single device has the potential to take away the key card for the office, mobile device, online documents, or even a laptop. A smartwatch can reduce the use of a mobile device drastically and the impact made by wearable devices will be even greater.
If you’re interested in more about the future of Wearable Technology, have a look at the Wearable Technology Show that happened in 2018 for more highlights and takeaways.