Posted on: April 11, 2019 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

You’re at the airport and you hear that screechy PA sound system announcing that your flight has just been delayed, meaning you’ll have to wait a little longer before reaching your golden tropical travel destination. What to do now, right? The fog is ghastly, the snow, thick as ever and you’re now planted in one location for an amount of time that’s usually unforeseen. Once you’ve read every celeb magazine provided to you at the terminal and you have burned through all your digital applications, you’ll need to start getting a bit creative.

Herein below are a few games you can play while you wait for your flight.

1. I Spy

We might be surprised you a little with this one, no? We’re guessing this is a game you probably haven’t played in very many years, however, we’re now told you it’s time you dust off your old observation skills and get to it. It’s pretty simple and can help eat up a lot of waiting time. All you need to do is just grab a partner, pick one thing you see wherever you happen to be and then give your partner clues until they figure out what you happen to be looking at. A very simple game, but it can help eat up a lot of waiting time.

2. Truth Or Dare

This a party game that’s mostly verbal and needs two or more players for the game to work. The players in this game are given an option between performing a dare or answering a question truthfully. Of which both are set by other players. In this game, as a player, you’re either meant to answer the questions put to you or perform the dare you’re given. Sometimes truth or dare questions can be really tricky, however, you’re not allowed to quit the game to avoid answering them. All in all, it’s a great way to kill time when you have a flight delay.

3. Scavenger Hunt

If you’ve got a partner with you during this flight delay and you have exhausted the other means of entertainment you both had then you might want to try playing scavenger hunt and see how that goes. Most of the time it ends up being a pretty fun way to pass time at the airport. Put together some random ideas such as glue sticks, rainbow sprinkles and orange beanies then go in different directions in search of these items and the one who can find the most of the said items wins.

4. Rhyming

This is another game that’s perfect for those dreaded flight delays. It can end up eating up quite a chunk of your time, it’s fun and it has some few benefits linked to it. Some of these benefits include helping improve your overall language skills and phonemic awareness. You play it by saying any word that comes to mind out loud and then allowing the other players to find a word that rhymes with that particular word. Try it, you’ll be surprised how much fun you have.

So next time you find yourself at the airport and you need to kill some time because, unfortunately, your flight has been delayed for one reason or another, why not try one of these games highlighted in this article. Turning the wait into some fun time is literally as simple as that.

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