Posted on: May 7, 2019 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

With the ATV riding season on its way soon, it is time to pick up speed on preparing for the outdoor adventures to come. Whether you are taking out an ATV for the weekend or if you are thinking about taking it on as a proper sport, you have to remember that this is not just a lot of fun, it can be pretty dangerous too. While some people might assume that riding an ATV might be the same as driving a car, it is far from it.

If you are someone who is yet to pass the rite of passage to quad riding, you need to understand that the first and foremost rule is safety. This is going to help keep you and others around you safe while you are on top of this four-wheeled beast. Even if you are a veteran of quad riding, it only helps to get a refresher on safety tips while you are out riding a quad bike.

Remember that ATV accidents can be seriously damaging and possibly fatal. There have been too many injuries and deaths to ignore safety precautions.

We have put together some of the most effective safety tips to educate you while you blaze through the trails on the ATV.

Wear the Proper Gear

The first safety precaution is pretty obvious, but people tend to ignore this more often than you might think. You must always, always remember that safety equipment is necessary. We are talking goggles, boots, gloves, helmets – the whole shebang. Remember that there are no seatbelts in an ATV.

If there is a chance that the ATV flips over, you need to protect yourself as best as you can because there will be some serious impact from it. To ensure that you go back home in one piece, wear all the safety equipment you can get your hands on.

Inspect the ATV Before Starting it up

Before you start riding the ATV, an inspection is absolutely necessary. Every time you take out the ATV for a ride, make sure that you check the tires and the rims for damage. Check out all of the cables and controls to make sure everything is properly connected.

Make sure that the lubrication is on point. Inspect the chain in case there are any worn out links, which can cause it to slip out. You should also check the sprockets to make sure there are no broken teeth. Here’s a guide on a thorough inspection of the ATV before you start it up.

Do NOT Drink and Ride

This is another quite obvious safety measure that we are telling you, but this has to be said. The importance of riding your ATV completely sober simply cannot be emphasized enough. If drinking is not safe before driving a car, it is definitely not safe before you go out on a ride in a quad bike, folks.

Alcohol and drugs can cloud your judgment and impair your mind and body’s coordination. This can put you and all others around you at a significant risk. If you really want to have a cold one with your friends, leave it for later in the evening after packing up the gear so all of you can enjoy it safely as you relax after an amazing day out.

One Rider and No More

Until and unless you are riding an ATV, which has specifically been made to accommodate two people, you should always drive an ATV solo. There is absolutely no need to put yourself and the passenger at risk by improperly using the ATV for something it is not designed to do.

If you really do feel the need to drive with two people, you will be better off riding a UTV. They might not have the same ability to blaze through trails, but they can easily accommodate two people safely.

If You Get Tired, Stop

Riding an ATV is no easy ordeal. This is an adrenaline fueled activity, which causes a lot of excitement and thrill. At the same time, you need to know that riding an ATV is also pretty strenuous. With all the control you have to exert as you blaze through the trails on the ATV, you are in for quite a bit of exercise when you head out with one of these beasts. Navigating through all those tight corners, jumps and bumps will eventually cause even the strongest of riders out there to tire out.

If you do start to feel tired, it is important that you take a break and stop riding for a bit until you feel refreshed. If you are a veteran who rarely feels tired even after riding an ATV all day, you still should take a break, rehydrate yourself and let your body rest before heading back to riding the machine.

Be Careful About Your Surroundings

You can ride your ATV through a varying range of environments and wherever you take it out, you need to be aware of your surroundings. If you are riding with other people on the trail as well, you should be very mindful of where the other riders are on the same trail. You know that there will be plenty of bumps and jumps if you are taking a trail through the woods. Make sure that you are prepared to deal with these obstacles and balance yourself out.

Ride the Right ATV

Last but not least, you need to ride the right ATV. Not all quad bikes are made the same way and you should only ride an ATV which offers the kind of horsepower that you can handle and control. You cannot expect a 10 year old to take on a 250cc ATV and ride it safely, right?

It is always better to rent out an ATV when you want to go for the ride. It allows you to choose a well-maintained quad bike, which can match your specifications. Also, you save a lot of money through ATV Rentals instead of purchasing one.

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