Posted on: December 27, 2019 Posted by: Allene Lewis Comments: 0

Back pains have become a common thing in this modern era. People are always found sitting at the same place for long hours. The end result is severe back pain. It is very easy for you to understand that if you do not exercise properly on a daily basis, different parts of your body will become weak with time. Spending long hours in front of the computer will naturally give rise to back aches. One of the simplest solutions to this problem is to have a pain killer. However, if you have such pills often, it will make you more dependent upon it. Thus, switching to a more natural solution, like CBD oil for Sciatica nerve pain, is always welcome.


Back pains can be of several types. One of the most severe types is sciatica. It gives you a burning and tingling sensation that practically runs down your back all the way to your legs. If you do not take proper steps during the initial stages of the pain, you may soon have to opt for a surgery. If you suffer from sciatica, you will not just be able to sit in one place for a long time, you will also find it challenging to walk.

Although there are various types of exercises that can help you get rid of the pain, the effect can often take days and sometimes weeks to show up. There are also many people who opt for cortisone shots. However, the relief from such shots will only be there for a few weeks. Many experts have argued about the benefits of CBD when it comes to fighting sciatica. CBD, as you know, has pain relieving and anti-inflammatory properties. These are enough to help alleviate sciatica for you. However, does it actually work, is a major topic of argument amongst experts.

Does CBD Actually Help in Sciatica Pain?

In order to answer this question, it is important for you to understand about sciatica. This is usually caused by a herniated disk or a bone spur that tends to push on your nervous system in your back. Thus, it is simple for you to understand that sciatica will be of no use in curing the basic cause of the problem in your body. Surgery will be the best solution to this problem. However, it is important for you to understand that CBD can potentially give you relief from pain and also some level of physical relief so that you can work peacefully.

How Can It Get Rid of Sciatica Pain?

Sciatica gives rise to 2 different types of pains, nociceptive and neuropathic. According to tests, CBD has the potential of giving you relief from both the pains. The CBD molecule bins easily with the CB1 and CB2 receptors in the endocannabinoid system of your body. This system communicates bad and good signals throughout the body. Once CBD manages to attach itself to these 2 receptors, it easily changes the bad signals to good ones, thus, restoring homeostasis or balance in the body. Since CBD also has anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties, it can easily get rid of the pain for you.

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