Posted on: December 20, 2019 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Lizzy White Doesn’t Give a Fuck is the first track off of Norwood’s eponymous album, and it immediately showcases an act that is able to make a cohesive sound from the onset. Charismatic vocals and taut instrumentation ensure that this first single could easily make it onto rock / alternative rotation just as easily as it could into musician’s best of list.

Dog of Aokigahara is a high-water mark for Norwood as it combines a hell of a narrative with a set of strings in a modern call and response style. The amount of passion and earnestness that bubble through on Dog of Aokigahara will endear Norwood to the masses listening in. Best of Me continues this soft and sedate sound, with little more than Christopher’s vocals and a guitar to set the stage up for a progressive and enthralling instrumental interlude (1:40 mark). The vocals and guitar/drum dynamic move into high gear as the song passes over its halfway mark.

Rebuttal in F# whips in a bit of bluegrass and alt-country to a totally Say Anything meets Soul Asylum approach. Norwood’s eclectic set of influences ensures that the songs on Lizzy White Doesn’t Give a Fuck keep fans on their toes. A bit of early-1980s ska (Specials, Madness) can be heard at the beginning of Against the Grain. Again, the presence of Norwood’s vocals boldly sends the effort into new waters. With a nod to Say Anything, Christopher imbues this cut with a bit of early-oughts emo cred.

Taking on Water has heartfelt vocals, taking fans on a slow trip through intense emotions and a bit of flamenco-infused arrangements. Pairing the vocals (Chris and Hannah) for this composition brings a whole new side to Lizzy White Doesn’t Give a Fuck. A tertiary vocal (a violin solo offered by Ben) reaps tremendous dividends in the second part of the song; there is a harmony that few acts are able to establish to such great heights.

Babyboy is another solid effort by Norwood. The presence of a flute is wholly unexpected here, especially with subject material discussing blood stains. The opposing elements (emotional fury and one of music’s most gentle instruments) showcase to listeners that the music that they will encounter on the second half of the album will be as thoughtful and interesting as what was present initially.

Rock is a furious effort that immediately increases the momentum of the album. The band really takes this vehicle into high gear. The great thing about this track has to be that there’s no one distinct genre that the band can be pigeonholed into. Also, the bass line that unites the two segments of Rock is one of the most decadent, fun parts that one will hear during Lizzy White Doesn’t Give a Fuck’s run time.

Bridge to Home is another fascinating track. Chris’s vocals this time out do more than just provide a narrative touchstone; they add considerably to the melody presented by the guitar here. There’s not layer upon layer that one will need to unravel to fully understand the song, but that’s a good thing this time out. This is a palette cleanser after one engorges themselves on the magnificent Rock immediately preceding it.

Hey Nana is another raucous effort that further hammers home that Norwood does not rest on their laurels, even when the end of their album is near. Settling into a timeless alt-rock style, Hey Nana keeps the album chugging by in its penultimate location on the release.

Last Words is the final track on Lizzy White Doesn’t Give a Fuck , showcasing a great many of the approaches and styles that the band broached through the entirety of the disc. There’s a bit of sadness that exists here. Perhaps its that the band (and anyone listening) know that things are coming near the end, but nowhere on this album has there been such a sincerity and gravity. Last Words is a strong track in that it provides fans with some semblance of where Norwood may yet go in follow-ups to this release. The ability which Chris and Hannah are able to support each other with their vocals is the cherry on one of the best tasting aural sundaes one will devour.

Make it a point to pick up Norwood’s latest album on Bandcamp and check out their Facebook for more news about the band.

Top Tracks: Lizzy White Doesn’t Give a Fuck, Dog of Aokigahara, Bridge to Home

Rating: 9.0/10

Norwood – Lizzy White Doesn’t Give a Fuck / 2019 Self Released / 11 Tracks / Facebook / Bandcamp / Domain /

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