Posted on: January 22, 2020 Posted by: Allene Lewis Comments: 0

Have you ever moved to another apartment? Then you probably know that whether the move is long- or short-distance, packing is a challenge either way. It usually comes with lots of planning ahead and stress, but you can make the whole process easier if you follow these steps:

1.       Get rid of the unnecessary items

Why pack stuff you have never used, if you can just donate them or sell them before your move? You may find it extremely useful to get rid of the clothes you haven’t worn in a long time, or donating your old toys to a charity. Not only will you have less things to pack, you’ll also give stuff to those who need them more. So, once you’re done with this, you’ll remain with fewer things to pack and take care of before moving to a new apartment.

2.       Think ahead

Packing everything at once is really stressful and time-consuming. Think ahead and prepare a few boxes that contain items you surely won’t use until you’re all set in your new home. These can be off-season clothes, books you have already read, or anything else that you won’t miss. By the time the day of the move comes, you’ll have already transported a huge part of your belongings to the new place, and you can focus only on the remaining items.

3.       Hire a moving company in time

You may be surprised, but moving and relocating is much more popular than you thought. That is why moving companies such as Empire Movers are booked way in advance, and that’s what you will have to do as well. Regardless of distance, a moving company can be a great help, since you won’t need to stress about carrying all the boxes and transporting them safely to the new destination. Even if your new apartment is just a few blocks away, your things will need to be packed, unpacked, and of course, safely transported. You have to take extra caution if you own fine art and antiques. These need special handling, experienced movers, and various equipment. It’s not recommended to try moving them on your own, since you could do more damage than actual help, and you may end up even more stressful than you’ve been before.

4.       Boxes – it may sound old-school, but it’s effective

Finding the right-sized boxes is not easy, but once you have them, your packing process will be easier and faster. Be careful and don’t pack the heavy items in a large box. It will be very hard to carry, and the chances of the box breaking will get higher. Instead, try to pack the heavy stuff in small boxes that can be more easily carried, and the lighter items should be packed in the bigger ones. Once the boxes are full (make sure that you’re not leaving empty spaces in the boxes – wasting space when it comes to moving is not a good practice) you’ll need to label them, so that you know which ones need to be unpacked first, and which are the fragile ones that need special care.

5.       Prepare a „moving box”

It’s a trick that many people find extremely useful: pack some clothes and other necessities in one box that you’ll keep close when the moving day comes. Thus, you’ll be able to access the most important items easily, and you can practically live out of that box even if the unpacking will take longer than you expected. This box should also contain the items that you pack last, such as your phone charger, laptop, or toiletries.

There are various options of making a moving day easier and less stressful. Some of them are less known, while the others are considered basic. In any case, thinking ahead goes a long way and it leaves you time for preparing everything the way you wanted.

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