Your windows are your view of the world from your comfortable abode, so it’s only natural that you would want to know how to keep them crisp, clean, and sparkling on those days when you’re not planning to go anywhere. Keeping your windows clean will improve the mood of just about any office or home, but sometimes you really want a window cleaning Perth. From professional cleaning to at-home DIY cleaning, the science of window cleaning is actually filled with fascinating facts. From professional window cleaning to at-home DIY cleaning, the science of window cleaning is actually filled with fascinating facts.
1. New York, New York
The window cleaning profession is most closely associated with the explosion of skyscrapers in old New York. By 1931, there were over 3,0000 professional window cleaning companies perfecting their trade in the city.
2. Scaffold Innovations
The exterior of high windows can be hard to reach, and before there were scaffolds, window cleaners had to just use the ledges that were available to them in order to clean on very tall office buildings.
3. Dangers on the Job
Window cleaners face a precarious work situation at times, but thanks to the Window Cleaner’s Union in New York, advances in job safety were made. And that’s great, but what about those home window cleaning folks? Well, they’ve been making strides in safety over the years, too. Because so many window cleaners are willing and must work at great heights, it’s only natural that the job can sometimes be dangerous for professionals and even novice window cleaners who try to clean very high windows on their ladders.
4. Protecting the Glass
Some folks wonder why windows even need to be cleaned at all. Well, for one thing, if you don’t clean your windows at home, it can greatly affect the lifespan of the glass. It may deteriorate and even become fragile over the years as all the muck and grime accumulates on it. Not only that, but nasty windows aren’t something that most homeowners or apartment residents want to show off to their friends. Crystal clear windows are a great impression for visitors.
5. Two Scrubbers
If you’re going to clean windows like a professional, it’s best to keep one scrubber for your window exterior and one for the interior so that you don’t bring pesky outside germs into the house. It just makes good, clean sense. Between cleanings, you might want to just buy new scrubbers, but at the very least it’s advisable to clean your scrubbers after you’ve washed the windows.
6. The Magical Squeegee
The single-blade window cleaning squeegee was designed and patented by Ettore Steccone. 1936 was the year that this life-changing invention made window cleaning a true blue profession that could be improved, and it made a lot of people’s lives easier. When you own a squeegee, you own one of the indispensable tools for cleaning windows thoroughly, conveniently, and properly. Once you’ve got this handy tool, you can usually make a go of routine window cleanings.
7. Got Dish Soap?
Plain old dish soap is one of the most effective ways to clean your windows at home, and with a squeegee, it’s super easy to do. While it doesn’t replace a professional window cleaning, it certainly makes life easier on days when you want to make your windows more presentable for guests. It’s also handy when you want to let the beautiful weather outside be crystal clear from the indoors.
8. Removing Stains
Razor blades are handy tools when you need to remove something like a paint stain. And while it’s best to let a professional handle this, if you do have to go it alone, make sure to keep the glass wet. A new blade works best because it won’t have any rust, something that can really damage a window.
9. Steel Wool
Steel wool doesn’t just work on dishes. It can be very handy for cleaning windows at home as well. With just a little bit of Windex and some steel wool, you can have sparkling clean windows in no time. This is best used when there is a lot of residue on the windows that is tough to get out regularly.
10. Buffing Wheel
Power tools can sometimes be handy when trying to get out the toughest of stains. Make sure to follow directions and get further advice before whipping out the power tools to work on the old windows (unless you’ve used them before and are a pro).
With just these 10 simple tips, you’ve learned a bit about windows, professional window cleaning history, and tips on how to better clean your own windows at home. This information is valuable to anyone who owns a home or rents an apartment.
Of course, window cleaning can get really tedious, and pros can take on the job on behalf of property owners. Professional window cleaners have access to a wide range of window-cleaning supplies, from squeegees to extension poles, by trusted names in the industry.
Any additional facts about window cleaning you’d like to share?