Posted on: July 2, 2020 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

RiSE, the latest single from Nadia Vaeh, immediately showcases tremendous vocal talent. The scintillating backing instrumentation links together synth, sequenced drums, and a booming sound that lends a lot to the deep end of the composition. With nature sounds (a “bird chirp” sample) included here, Vaeh is able to make a fulfilling effort that continues to showcase new twists and turns even multiple plays in. The presence of Hazel Rose’s rapid-fire rap flow adds further complexity to RiSE. The track could easily garner pop rotation while weighing in with heavier concepts than are typically broached in the genre.

We previously covered Vaeh’s Monroe back in April.

Nadia Vaeh- “RiSE” / 2020 Galactic Cat Records / Domain / Soundcloud /

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