Posted on: February 20, 2021 Posted by: Aaron_George Comments: 0

Potatoes are the most versatile food on the planet. You can bake them, fry them, boil them, cut them into smaller strips and turn them into fries, make pies with them, mash them, and they always taste amazing. Some people might even say that the potato is a superfood. However, many people tried switching them out for a sweeter and healthier alternative. 

For us humans, that is perfect since we can eat pretty much everything. But when it comes to dogs, they have a few restrictions. So, the main question we will be trying to answer is whether sweet potatoes are safe for dogs and are there any benefits when you implement them in a diet. Click here to read more.

Can dogs eat them?

The simple answer is yes. Many vets recommend for pet owners to include some vegetables in their diet because that is what makes them healthier. And that makes a lot of sense. Dogs are descendants of wolves, and they are used to eating fresh, whole foods and chewing meat straight from the source. 

The closer you can go to their natural diet, the healthier they are going to be, and they will look happier too. When you make the switch, please do not go all out, and give them a full serving of mashed or baked potatoes since they are not used to it. 

Instead, try giving them smaller amounts and increase the portions as time goes by. It is best to boil the potatoes to see how their stomach will react. It is essential to keep them away from greasy French fries and chips since they have gone through a lot of processing and have a lot of fat. 

Even though many people on the Internet think it is funny to have an overweight pet, it’s not healthy at all. Dogs need to be active, and you should not be putting their lives in danger by feeding them too many calories. Follow this link for more info

What are the benefits?

The color behind this vegetable is because of beta-carotene. That is one of the most important antioxidants to include in a diet because it reduces the chances of developing cancer. You might want to switch the regular white potato for the healthier alternative. 

Beta carotene is also responsible for protecting you against heart disease. It is also a great source of vitamin A and animals need a lot of it, unlike us. Including more vitamin, A in their diet will make their fur more vivid, as well as adding benefits to their skin, bone health, and vision. 

This food is also high in fiber, second only to popcorn. Every living organism needs fiber because it is a carbohydrate that’s slow-digesting, and it does wonders to our intestines. There are billions of bacteria that live in our gastrointestinal tracts, and they work to break down fiber. 

Most people get worried when they hear the word bacteria, but you should know that 90 percent of the bacteria on the planet is beneficial to our survival. Plus, if your pup is a bit overweight, giving them more fiber will make them feel fuller, and that will help in losing a few pounds. 

How do you start?

Our furry friends are simple creatures. They see the same food every day, and they are happy as they are trying out a delicacy from the best Italian restaurants. This makes it easy for you since you can quickly steam or boil the sweet potato without adding any seasoning for their portions. 

These two methods are superior to baking and frying since most of the nutritional value stays in the vegetable. Depending on how big the dog is, you can start with a small spoon and gradually increase it. It is important to start slow since there are a lot of carbs in a small serving. 

If your pup is not used to a high carb diet, that can create some digestive issues. That is because the glycemic load of the entire meal can spike blood sugar levels. Potatoes are full of starch, and we know that it increases the amount of insulin that must get released in the body. 

If every meal you feed them has a high glycemic load, that can cause cancer, thyroid disease, diabetes, or even insulin resistance. Also, do not give them a raw potato to chew on. There are a few reasons for that. First, they do not taste good. 

Secondly, they are hard to chew, and they can upset the stomach. Additionally, some pups inhale their food, and you need to make sure that the consistency of their meals is soft to make it easier for them to swallow. If not, they can choke on the chunks. 

How much is enough?

In anything in life, moderation is the way to go. Animals cannot live on a vegetarian or vegan diet, so you need to include meat. If you overdo it with the veggies and fruits, that can lead to muscle weakness and weaker bones. 

That is going to happen because their levels of vitamin A are going to be elevated. Whenever you want to introduce a new food to your pets’ diet, it is important to talk to your veterinarian first. If they give you the green light, you can go ahead and start with smaller portions. 

Remember that the primary diet of your pup needs to be organs, meaty bones, vegetables, and fruits. A little bit of all of them constitutes a perfect diet. Sweet potatoes are one of the best sweet treats, but they cannot be the main ingredient in a diet. 

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