Posted on: April 30, 2021 Posted by: Aaron_George Comments: 0

Being a woman is not easy-half of the population know this! Whether it is the pay gap, misogyny, intense hormonal shifts, menstruation, or pregnancy, something is bound to impact us because of our sex.

There are plenty of women’s health issues that go under the radar. Either they are not commonly spoken about, or they are not seen as ‘important’ issues – both of which make it extremely difficult for women to get help or be listened to when they are experiencing side effects or symptoms.

This piece will discuss some of the health issues that women face that appear to be common but are not always apparent.

Uterine Fibroids

Uterine fibroids are growths that are found on the uterus. They can either be the size of a seed or grow into extremely large masses. Of course, when they are large enough, it is obvious there is an issue, but for those who only have small clusters, they can still experience significant discomfort and a decreased quality of life and might have a much harder time finding a diagnosis. They are particularly common in African American women, who also have a much harder time accessing quality healthcare, which is a separate serious problem all by itself.

For those who know they have uterine fibroids, or would like some extra advice or guidance, find uterine fibroids treatment in New York to help.


Endometriosis is another condition that affects the female sex reproductive parts. The condition forms as tissue that is similar to the lining of the womb and grows in other areas close by, such as the fallopian tubes and the ovaries. Unlike fibroids, which only commonly affect those in their reproductive stages, endometriosis can affect women of any age. This can similarly impact the quality of life, depending on how much tissue there is and where it is located, causing intense pain, heavy periods, and other symptoms such as back pain and feeling sick.

This is a lifelong condition, and those who are fortunate to experience mild symptoms might opt to just manage the condition with over-the-counter pain relief, etc. But for those who have large amounts of excess tissue, surgery is available and can help keep the tissue under control.


Vaginismus is something that is surprisingly common and often swept under the rug. It affects around 5 to 17% of women in the USA, but the numbers are sure to be much higher as it is such a silent subject. This health issue means that the muscles around the vagina involuntary contract when something tries to enter. These surrounding muscles are incredibly strong, making it extremely painful for sexual intercourse, using tampons, or masturbation, if not completely impossible. It might sound like a strange issue, as vaginas are designed to push out even the largest of baby’s heads; it can feel like an ‘only you’ problem. Not to forget religious backgrounds, along with double-standard negative connotations of female sexual promiscuity or sexually active women. All of which can make it very difficult for them to come forward. That being said, you really are not alone, and there is treatment available. Vaginismus treatment often targets both the physiological and psychological aspects of the condition, as often they interlink.

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