Posted on: August 23, 2021 Posted by: Aaron_George Comments: 0

The mention of marijuana to many brings to mind addiction and the misery caused by drug abuse. However, with new research on cannabis and its health benefits, marijuana is slowly but surely being embraced as a helpful medicinal product.

Among the most beneficial products of the cannabis family of plants, including marijuana and hemp, is cannabidiol (CBD). CBD is extracted from marijuana and offers its users a wide range of therapeutic benefits without the high associated with marijuana abuse.

Before we look at several reasons you need to try marijuana, let us first understand what most people think about cannabis. 

Public perception of marijuana and other psychedelics

California became the first state in America to legalize medical marijuana in 1996. In the 25 years since then, the public perception of marijuana has radically changed, with more states legalizing marijuana for medical and recreational purposes. As of 2020, the benefits of marijuana and psychedelics had become so apparent that the support for the legalization of marijuana was at 68% among the American public. 

Why you should try CBD

  1. CBD is safe

Understandably, many people have concerns about the safety of using CBD, considering its relationship to marijuana which has a reputation of being addictive. To clear your concerns, CBD is perfectly safe. Here is why.

CBD is an extract from the cannabis plant, meaning that it doesn’t contain HTC, the compound responsible for causing a high and addiction. In other words, you can’t get addicted to CBD. Additionally, according to research, CBD has very few side effects, such as fatigue, loss of appetite, or diarrhea, usually resulting from overconsumption. As long as you are taking the right amounts, you have nothing to worry about.

  1. Pain management

One of the most popular uses of CBD oil is pain relief. CBD contains analgesic properties and is often used to remedy chronic pains resulting from different medical conditions. 

A good example is pain related to arthritis. Since CBD oil has anti-inflammatory properties, when applied to the affected areas, it helps reduce inflammation, thereby alleviating the patient’s pain.

  1. Mental health

Preliminary research has shown that CBD helps manage symptoms of stress and anxiety. It works by decreasing stress and anxiety-producing hormones in the body resulting in a calming effect on its users.

Research on CBDs efficacy in treating symptoms of depression looks very promising, although there is yet to be sufficient evidence to support it.

  1. Better sleep

Getting quality sleep is one of the best ways of improving your overall health. Due to its body and mind-calming properties, consuming CDB products before bed can be an excellent way of ensuring that you get good sleep.

For people suffering from insomnia, CBD can be an excellent natural alternative to prescription drugs. 

It is essential to start with a small dose and work your way up to find the zone that best suits you.  CBD may work differently on different people based on body chemistry, weight, or other factors.

  1. Skin health

CBD oil has been proven to be beneficial to the skin. Its anti-inflammatory properties can help minimize the effects of conditions such as atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, and acne. It is no surprise that many skincare products use CBD oil as an ingredient in their manufacture. 

When used regularly on the skin, its soothing effects have been shown to decrease the effects of aging. 

Wrapping up

The benefits of CBD are too many to ignore. With so few in terms of side effects, you shouldn’t miss out on the benefits. The best part is that you don’t have to be sick to use CBD products; they are also beneficial for healthy people.

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