Posted on: January 20, 2022 Posted by: Aaron_George Comments: 0

Weather patterns are getting harder to predict, and many are worried about protecting their home from the elements. Although it would be nice if we could expect our power to work hard and have us covered: blackouts are still incredibly common in the modern day.

These are the best home heating options to protect your home and keep you warm, even in the scariest of winter weather!

Gas Fired Boiler

Although putting in a new boiler system can be expensive, it is pretty easy to convert it if you already have a boiler system. A boiler is extremely fuel-efficient, especially when paired with a green energy source like propane.

This means you’ll use far less fuel, you’ll save your home from heat loss, which can be costly, and you’ll be able to feel a constant and steady heat instead of it jumping all over the place. This is the best option for most homes and is one of the leading reasons people sign up for propane delivery.

Gas Furnace

A gas furnace comes in second place if you don’t have a boiler but still want smooth and even heat. Still allowing you to use natural gas like propane, a furnace has high energy efficiency and works a lot faster than a boiler does; your home will be toasty and comfortable in no time.

Offering high indoor air quality and a far cleaner breathing experience than other types of heating, this is a great option if you want to ensure your home is quickly and evenly heated.

Geothermal Heat Pumps

Also known as GeoExchange, or earth-coupled heat- geothermal heat pumps use the energy extracted from the Earth to distribute heat throughout your home regardless of the time of year. In addition, this energy extracted sits at a constraint temperature throughout the year, which means you won’t have to deal with any temperature fluctuations that can lead to a weaker immune system.

Unfortunately, this is extraordinarily expensive to install, especially if you need to install or upgrade ductwork on your property. This can also, at times, cause a need for landscape alterations and might contaminate the groundwater if it’s a one-loop system.

Mini-Split Heat Pump System

A split heat pump is divided between an indoor and outdoor unit, connected through the house by copper wiring. The outdoor unit houses a coil that works as both a compressor and a heat exchanger.

This ductless heat pump draws heat from the air and has seen incredible growth within the last few years because it’s more affordable and because the smaller units are more space-efficient for the average home.

Keeping Warm is on Everyone’s Minds

The way we consume energy, and our relationship with it, has changed a lot in the last hundred years. Although electricity is something that every modern person needs to thrive, how we heat our home can be complicated. Pick a heating option that will keep your home comfortable through the worst weather, and you’ll never regret it!

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