Posted on: January 2, 2022 Posted by: Aaron_George Comments: 0

For humans, listening to music evokes a plethora of emotions depending on the individual, with different styles triggering different associated memories.

Now, quite obviously, when playing the week’s top forty pop songs to your pet lizards is probably not going to make them reach for the tissues, but there are several incredibly positive and powerful benefits in exposing your pets to a range of different musical styles.

Playing Music To Your Pet Keeps Them Entertained When They Are Alone

Whatever the species of animal or bird you share your home with, you will hopefully already be completely aware that you should never leave them alone for long periods of time and certainly never overnight.

However, when, for example, you are out at work, leaving the radio on in the same room as your budgie on a low but audible volume will keep him company and provide them with someone to cheap and squawk back to when the DJ speaks between songs.

Playing Music To Your Pet Drowns Out Alien & Frightening Sounds Outside

If you are fortunate, your precious pooch or beautiful pair of bunnies are entirely unbothered by the sound of fireworks. However, it is more likely that the screeching sounds and incredibly loud bangs always turn your animals into jabbering wrecks simply because they cannot understand where the noises are coming from.

Fireworks can be downright damaging and dangerous to your family pets in the following ways:

  • Physically damaging to their ear drums
  • Causes considerable amounts of emotional stress
  • Makes the animal behave erratically enough to injure themselves

It is also important to point out that dogs are able to hear over 40,000hz more than humans can, therefore for them, every single frightening sound if significantly and terrifyingly amplified.

If you are even slightly concerned that your pet has been physically or indeed emotionally affected by fireworks or other loud sounds, you should make an appointment with your vets immediately, with renowned and prestigious practices such as Pet Nest Animal Hospital able to use their professional expertise to diagnose and treat your dog as quickly as possible.

Playing Music To Your Pet Helps Them Sleep

Especially for younger animals and animals that have only recently been brought to their new fur-ever home, getting used to a routine and regular sleeping pattern can be decidedly tricky to say the least.

There are several specific styles and types of music that particularly help calm down dogs, which include:

  • Reggae
  • Soft Rock
  • Subdued Classical Music

Musical styles and genres which have been proven to either have no effect on the anxiety levels of dogs, or else even sometimes increase stress levels include:

  • Motown
  • Northern Soul
  • Lively Classical Music
  • Heavy Metal (obviously)

Additionally, if you are heading to an appointment or for some other reason are traveling with your dog in the car, and they are showing signs of stress and anxiety, switching on the radio at a low volume can help make your dog feel more comfortable.

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