Posted on: July 26, 2015 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0
Sven Sundberg Intimacy CD review in NeuFutur

Seasons Change is a track that is able to tie together world music, classical, and R&B into something emotive and rich. This track is able to be tender and strong, telling more of a story with instrumentation that artists can do with lyrics and a full band. Sundberg is able to add further depth to this composition by utilizing vocals in a musical fashion; the interaction between these different elements makes for a deep track that will stand up to repeat listens. You in Blue begins with a nice rising actions and ethereal arrangements.


Sven Sundberg Intimacy CD review in NeuFutur
The deliberate arrangements present here provide further variety to Intimacy while keeping the same close feel as previous compositions on Intimacy. The cogent story that is told through this release makes for an album that sticks with listeners long after the album’s final track Song for Monica. Spring Has Sprung is a late-album track that is one of our favorites. While continuing the same trends that have been threaded through the whole of Intimacy, there is a more eastern style that is present. Sweet on You and Song for Monica, the duo of tracks that conclude Intimacy provide an impressive ending to a solid album. Sweet on You is a chill track that keeps things fresh and airy at its late-album position while the Song for Monica shines due to sparkling synth lines. With everything prim, proper, and in its place, Intimacy concludes.

There has been a considerable evolution in Sundberg’s style in the years that passed since the release of 4 Seasons of Bliss.

Additional information about Sundberg’s biography, music, and the availability of samples and albums can be located on his domain and social networking profiles. Pick up Intimacy when it is released on September 15th, 2015.

Top Tracks: In Your Love, Spring Has Sprung

Rating: 8.6/10

Sven Sundberg Intimacy CD Review / 2015 Syncope Music Limited / 15 Tracks / / / /

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