Posted on: November 14, 2018 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Driving through traffic and maneuvering through tight, packed lanes can be a test of anyone’s patience. Have you ever looked out your stuck-in-traffic car’s window and watched cyclists zoom past your cars and swerve their way through traffic easily? You might consider the possibility and convenience of owning one of the standard city bikes. Or maybe you already own one and you have just begun to give it a consideration as a real means of transportation to and from your work.

Benefits of Commuting with a Bicycle

Saves Cost and Time: Bicycles require no fuel as cars and other motors do. This makes them cheaper to maintain and run. Bikes also are easier to manoeuvre traffic congestions. Hop on a bike and see how quickly you zoom out of traffic jams.

Environmental Gains: You would be doing the environment a big favour by exchanging your car for a bicycle. Bicycles do not pollute the air with exhaust smoke and other toxins that motors discharge.

Health and Fitness: Cycling is a great way to stay fit and maintain health. Take in the fresh outdoor air as you whizz past the scenic views.

Guide to Acing Your First Bike Ride

Safety First: Always keep your safety in mind as you bicycle your way around town. Wear a helmet in the likelihood of an accident, and also include knee and elbow pads for maximum protection.

Start Small: Set reachable goals as you first begin cycling, and don’t push yourself too far. During your first weeks, if your estimated cycling distance is not too far with the coming and going considered, you might be good to cycle both ways. However, if the distance to and fro seems a bit too much for you, you can make alternate arrangements for the going or the coming back.

Remember to Stay Visible: Wear clothing that makes you easily identified by other motorists and road uses. This is especially important if you make your journeys at night-time or in the early hours of the morning. Also gear your bike with proper lightning for maximum visibility and vision.

Search for Shorter Routes: Scout out alternative, less busy routes which may prove to be a shorter distance. Since you now have a bike, you can cycle down streets and alleyways, effectively cutting traffic and minimising your travel time.

Learn the Basics: Acquaint yourself with the basics of your bicycle in case of a sudden breakdown. Learning how to change a tire, for example, will save you some time and money. Also know which tools are used for which parts and carry them around.

Be Alert: It’s unfair but, cyclists are often the minority of road users. Cars, trucks and other vehicles are often insensitive to the fact that cyclists also occupy the roads and this might lead to careless door openings and swerving. Stay alert for these lurking mishaps if they are not on the alert for you.


After some successful and incident-free days of commuting with a bicycle, you might get much more comfortable on the pedals and find yourself thirsty for more adventures. You might even want to consider a cycling trip or more hard-core rides. If going on some road trips is also on your plan, you can consider having a multi-purpose 7 speed road bike. You can also pick one of the popular hybrid bikes as well. Best withes with your commuting by bike.

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