Posted on: July 27, 2019 Posted by: Akesh21 Comments: 0

As soon as people hear the terms being “fit” and “healthy” they automatically assume that it’s going to cost a lot of money. Immediately, you can see them envisioning the Kardashians, with their personal trainers and extortionate protein drinks, but this is actually a hugely common misconception. Being fit and healthy doesn’t have to be about having access to the best equipment, hiring a personal trainer or only eating from the fresh and organic section of Waitrose. Getting fit and healthy is simply about making small lifestyle changes that fit in with you in order to improve your overall health and fitness levels – and it doesn’t have to break the bank! If you’re wanting to up your health and fitness game but remain frugal with the cash, then these top tips could help you out along the way!

Do Some Research

First off, don’t be lazy, and do your research! We have the internet and its millions of pages of helpful information that are so accessible to us nowadays that we really don’t have an excuse not to educate ourselves accordingly. A lot of people think, why would I do research on this, but if you were looking to save money on anything else you would, wouldn’t you? For example, if you were looking for a cheap and easy way to sell your house, you’d do your research effectively, find the best option for you such as quick sale companies, and use things like this service. So why not do the same if you’re looking to get fit and healthy on the cheap? Make the most of the free advice that’s readily available for you.

Do Exercise, for Free

After you’ve done your research, try out some of the free exercises that are available to you! There really is something out there for everyone too. There are an abundance of exercise and fitness videos, with even some yoga incorporated that are free to view and use at your leisure on websites such as YouTube. It’s not only a massive money saver, but a lot of the time people actually feel intimidated by the gym and exercise classes. If you’re a little out of shape and feeling unfit, the feeling of walking into a gym or exercise class can be daunting – but you should never allow it to be! The important thing to remember is that everybody is there for the same reason, and that no one is there to judge you. If anything, everyone should be encouraging and supporting each other! We all come in different shapes, heights, sizes and ages, so embrace being unapologetically you! If this is your sole reason for not going to public fitness classes, then why not ease into it with some home work outs? At least then you’ll have given yourself an idea of what to expect.

Regarding the gym, did you know that you can do a lot of that stuff at home too, even when you don’t have the equipment? Tinned produce such as beans can act really effectively as small weights for arm toning, and who says you need a treadmill to get your cardio in? It’s not only good for your body, but incredibly good for your mind to get out in the fresh air and exercise for twenty minutes every day. You don’t need to spend up on a membership or have all of the specialist equipment in order to reap the benefits of the gym. All it takes is being a little creative, and improvising accordingly.

Change the Way You Do Your Weekly Shop

Last, but certainly not least, change the way you do your shopping. As previously mentioned, people often associate shopping healthily with a whopping bill coming at the end of it, but if you’re careful about the way you do it, it doesn’t have to be that way. It’s so easy to blame the need for buying frozen food on the reason why you’re not eating healthily, but if you changed the way you thought, you could easily change the way you eat.

First off, plan your healthy meals in advance, and only buy the ingredients you need in order to make them. This way you’ll massively reduce the amount of food you waste on a weekly basis. Yes, a lot of healthy produce is fresh produce…but that doesn’t mean you can’t freeze it. If you need your veg to last longer than its use by date, simply stick it in the freezer and use it when necessary – like you would with any frozen ready made items. These small changes could increase your health and decrease your spending in no time.

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