Posted on: November 15, 2019 Posted by: AAA Comments: 0

Education doesn’t have to take place within a classroom. One of the best forms of education is travelling, as students can get a number of educational and personal benefits from branching out. From seeing where events took place using their own eyes, to learning about other cultures – travel allows students the opportunity to get a greater understanding of science, art, culture and history in a way they’ve never been able to before. The benefits of travel go way beyond the subjects that are taught during a trip. Here are some of the ways in which students can benefit from their travels.  

Enhanced Curriculum

Education becomes a whole lot more interesting when students see things for themselves, when they are able to immerse themselves in a culture, or when they are able to make discoveries about the world we live in. It doesn’t matter what subject a student is studying, there are a number of ways in which they can deepen their understanding from a location and make it much more real and relatable to them. Travel brings material to life and enables students to connect to things in a more meaningful way.

Cultural Learning

Travelling allows students to learn about people whose lives are different from their own. Students may also find that cultural differences exist within their own country. Travelling enables students to learn about how others eat their food, live their lives and much more. They may also learn that they have more in common with others than they previously thought.

Learn a Different Language

One huge benefit for students who travel abroad is the ability to learn a new language and practise it whilst on their travels. Speaking to native speakers will not only develop their speaking skills, but it will also develop their comprehension, listening and reading abilities. Many foreign language class teachers love taking foreign immersion tours. For example, you can book student tours to Italy from New Zealand and Australia with tour companies like TravelBound. They make learning exciting for students within a safe and happy environment.

Broaden Culinary Horizons

It doesn’t matter where students choose to travel to, it’s almost inevitable that they’ll find a food that is unique to the location or is made better than what they’ve tried before; for example, eating Italian food in Italy will taste completely different to eating it in New Zealand. Students can learn a lot about culture from the different foods they try, so it’s a great idea to try different foods and learn by using all of your senses.

Compassion and Empathy

Travelling allows students to see life through another person’s perspective by seeing how others live their lives. This can help build a person’s empathy and compassion for others. As we’ve already stated, students learn that all cultures are different, and by immersing themselves in other cultures, students will gain a better understanding of them, which will enable them to see others in a different light.

Student travel has a number of different benefits, from learning about other cultures to broadening culinary horizons. Where would be your ideal location to visit?

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