The Free Show has a fascinating vocal delivery. Dropping the instrumentation to a lower level, Haerle is able to draw fan’s attention to the lyrical content. Rather than leaving the guitars and drums out in the cold, the next section reverses the roles with a nice uptick to the track’s tempo.
Run and Be Free has Haerle tell a rich story about how his own lie (as well as LA’s) has gotten progressively more complex over the years. David’s arrangements during Run and Be Free are some of the most engrossing we’ve ever heard coming from the performer. Robust, able to stand up to repeat plays, and with some of the most beautiful vox we’ve ever heard, Run and Be Free will speak to fans of any sort of rock music from Jackson Browne to the Crash Test Dummies.
We’ve covered Haerle’s previous singles Everything I Ever Wanted, Tell Your Story, Glendale, Finding Natalie, Do You Know Surrender, and Women Make The World Go ‘Round previously.
David Haerle “The Free Show” and “Run And Be Free” / http://davidhaerle.com/ / https://www.facebook.com/davidhaerleedendale/ / Spotify /