Posted on: September 6, 2021 Posted by: Aaron_George Comments: 0

Houseplants provide lots of benefits to those who purchase them. Not only do they add a splash of greeny and sophistication to any home, but some plants have anti-inflammatory properties; others will reduce your stress levels, while all of them will improve the quality of the air. The benefits don’t stop there, and this is why it is such a popular decoration. However, you can only enjoy these benefits if you are able to keep your houseplants alive. If you are struggling or concerned about how you will avoid killing your houseplants, keep reading to discover some of the best tricks to keeping them healthy.

Buy the right accessories

Without the right accessories, keeping your houseplants alive is much harder. For example, although plants need water, giving them too much can actually kill them. Therefore, if you continue filling up your old jug to water your plants rather than using a spray pump, mister, or small watering can, you risk overwatering the plant. Also, ensure that your plants have the most opportunity to thrive by buying compost and fertilizer and pruning it if necessary. If you don’t have any of these plant accessories, now is the time to get them.

Keep it in a location with plenty of sunlight

Plants require water and food to stay alive, but they also need plenty of sunlight in order to stay healthy. Each plant varies in how much sunlight they need, and it can determine where you place them. For high sun plants, you should place these directly in an unshaded window. If you have plants that require medium to low amounts of light, you can place them in more shaded parts of the house but make sure that these rooms still get a decent amount of sunlight.

Keep a consistent schedule

Unless you keep a consistent schedule, it can be easy to forget the last time you watered your houseplant, especially when you live such a busy life. However, if you want your houseplant to remain healthy, creating a schedule and sticking to it is going to be crucial. You might find it easiest to make this schedule on your phone and setting reminders, as your phone should be with you most of the time, whether you are at home or out and about. If you would prefer a physical schedule, though, whip one up on a spreadsheet or buy a cheap calendar to map out the days you should water your plant.

Dust your leaves

Dust gets everywhere, even on your plants. Next time you are dusting your home, don’t forget about your plants and gently brush off the dust from the leaves. The best approach to doing this is to damp a paper towel and then wipe away the dust. Why does this help you plant? By your plant not hoarding dust on its leaves, it can more easily absorb light, which is the key to growth.

Don’t let your plant dry out

Despite following a consistent schedule, not overwatering, and providing a good home for your plant, you still find it is not thriving as much as you would like. There could be one thing causing this: your air conditioner. In the warmer months in hotter countries, putting the air conditioner on will help cool you down, but it will also be drying out your plant. If your plant is particularly close to your vent, move it or ensure you regularly mist it to keep it hydrated.

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