Posted on: May 31, 2021 Posted by: Aaron_George Comments: 0

Botany refers to studying plants. While ecologists research plants and their relationship with their environment, botanists may breed plants and produce new strains of existing plants. Those interested in botany as a hobby might spend time cataloging plants, while others grow plants and study their development.

There are several fields of botany, including horticulture. Horticulturists apply the knowledge gleaned by researchers to grow decorative, medicinal, or edible plants. Whether your interest is in research or application, there are several great reasons to consider getting into botany.

1. Having plants is good for your physical health.

Houseplants can boost your health. Plants consume carbon dioxide and create oxygen, which means they produce fresh air for people to breathe, which is why putting houseplants in your bedroom can help you sleep better. Plants filter mold and allergens and clean the air. Adding a peace lily, violets, or Chinese evergreen to a room can reduce the number of allergic attacks you experience from airborne toxins. Other plants that improve air quality include bamboo plants, ferns, and spider plants.

You can also grow herbs you use in your cooking. Eating mint leaves can reduce digestive issues. You can also use aloe from aloe plants to treat burns or skin conditions, such as psoriasis.

2. There are financial benefits from botany.

Federal laws have changed, enabling people to profit from selling cannabidiol (CBD) products. CBD’s a cannabinoid you can extract from hemp plants. Unlike tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), CBD doesn’t get you high. Since laws have changed, many people have turned to CBD products to calm their minds and alleviate discomfort. Popular CBD products include CBD oil, tinctures, lotions, and edibles.

Wondering how to make CBD oil? Horticulturalists can produce homemade CBD oil with an oven and a slow cooker. Making your own CBD oil ensures you know precisely what your CBD oil contains. Following a CBD oil recipe at home ensures your oil’s pesticide-free. You’ll save money on CBD products and won’t have to worry about the quality of the final product. Whether you opted to grown your cannabis plants and made your own CBD oil or purchase CBD oil from a supplier, you must talk to your doctor before taking CBD oil.

You may be able to sell CBD oil to suppliers if you master the process. CBD oil isn’t the only plant-based product you can sell. Horticulturalists can grow fruits and vegetables they sell at farmers’ markets. You can also sell floral bouquets or potted flowers. In the United States, the horticulture industry generated $13.8 billion in 2019, making horticulture an excellent choice for those interested in exploring new business opportunities.

3. Houseplants can transform indoor spaces.

You can have plants delivered to your door if you don’t want to plant seeds yourself. Plants can brighten up indoor spaces and help maintain a cool room temperature during the hot summer months. Plants exhale water vapor, which cools the air. Spider plants, jade plants, peace lilies, and ivy plants are all great options if you’re looking for houseplants that will increase your humidity.

4. Outdoor plants can increase your home’s curb appeal.

Outdoor plants are an excellent option if you’re looking for affordable ways to improve your home’s appearance. One of the fastest ways to increase your home’s curb appeal is to focus on your landscaping. Adding pops of colors with annuals and perennials is a great way to create a visually appealing yard space. Whether you opt to add orchids to your patio or marigolds to your flowerbeds, adding some outdoor plants will transform your yard.

5. Looking after plants is good for your mental health.

If you don’t have a green thumb, you might be worried about growing new plants for the first time. Fortunately, plants such as succulents are hardy and make it easy to grow your plants without prior experience successfully. You’ll benefit from caring for plants because having houseplants decreases anxiety and lowers stress levels. Plants and bouquets boost your mood and help you stay calm.

Getting into botany is a great way to explore a new hobby that helps you relax. You may even turn your hobby into a side business or career if you learn to produce plant products you can sell. Botany offers affordable ways to improve your home, help you sleep better at night, and relieve stress.

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