Posted on: May 29, 2008 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

This zine is really two different ones collected into one huge zine, and this really provides me with more of an idea about who Kendra is, something that I would only gain at a slow speed from talking to Kendra on AIM. The zine is all and all a very involved reading, jumping from personal narrative to poetry and back again. The second part of this zine, which was to be another issue of her now defunct magazine, A Day in the Life, is much more cohesive, as it was a ton of journal entries from the month of May in 2002, which had some very stressful-sounding wrinkles in her life, including weirdness with an ex, finals, and finding a new boy. The first half of the magazine has a totally different feel, being more abstract and concerned with the visual aspect of the zine. Also, the technological divide can be felt between the two sections of the zine, with the first part being written with an ancient typewriter, and the second part all laid out in word or something along those lines. However, the dual focus of this magazine really causes people to have to think of Kendra in a variety of ways, as more facets of her personality are shown by the dual-handedness of the zine. To get a copy of this fabulous zine, write Kendra at That Kendra Girl, 2829 W. Ashlan #102, Fresno, CA 93705 or AIM here at yourcatchphrase or Yahoo message her at thatkendragirl.
Rating : 7.3/10

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