The brew pours extremely dark, with nary a bit of light shining through this black brew. There is a tenacious head that sticks with the beer from beginning to end. Rather than being effervescent, this is a thick and filling beer. A perfect beer for the cold winter months, the Green Flash Double Stout is able to unite the deep complexity of the stout format with a smooth drinkability. While this looks considerably different than the average beer served at a restaurant and bar, I would venture that Green Flash has including something in their Double Stout for everyone. A salty snack – chips, pretzels, or an aged gouda – will allow these flavors to shine in an unparalleled fashion. Two or three of the Double Stout bottles should be enough to make for a wonderful ward against the weather and a night that won’t be forgotten (or can’t be remembered).
There is a smoky flavor that is present at the initial moment of the sip, followed by a flavor that is much more sweet and malt-based. The beer is able to moderate each of these elements through a higher than normal ABV (8.8%); hints of coffee, chocolate, and dark fruits can be discerned with subsequent sips. Licorice, hops, and barley can all be experienced before the bottle gives up the ghost.
Make sure to visit the brewery’s website or Facebook ( ) for more information about their wide array of brews, their tasting room, and events occurring through the end of 2013 and well into 2014.
Rating: 9.0/10
Double Stout Black Ale Review / Green Flash Brewing Company / 8.8% ABV /