The sheer amount of events that are active at any point during the Arnold Sports Festival is astonishing. Fencing, karate, and powerlifting events are putting competitors to their limits. The tens of thousands of attendees that make their way to the Greater Columbus Convention Center could take a step in any direction and be entertained, informed, amazed, or shocked. This is a world-renowned festival, an exaltation of fitness, and it will be occurring today, February 27th.
The main exposition floor is the hub of greatest activity. The sheer number of vendors at the ASF is nothing less than astonishing. Walking up and down the aisles will be sufficient to receive a number of protein bar chunks, samples of companies’ latest effort, and the latest in exercise tools. The largest stars in the bodybuilding and fitness spheres make their presence known at the festival; we have been able to meet Mark Henry, Kurt Angle, Lou Ferrigno, Phil Heath, and Jay Cutler. While the main floor gets packed as the day continues on, the lay of the Greater Columbus Convention Center makes it easy to find a secluded spot. The Festival gives companies a major platform on which to announce their latest products; attendees will be able to benefit from these new products before others.
The Arnold Classic is the foundation of the Sports Festival, and the events pit the world’s best bodies against one another. This year, three winners will be crowned – the ASF is crowning the victor of the Arnold Strongman Classic, the Bikini International, and the Arnold Classic. The Party With the Pros allows attendees the ability to meet and have a moment with some of the largest figures in bodybuilding.
To get an idea of the events occurring during the Arnold Sports Festival, check out their domain, . The ticket cost is extremely approachable when one considers that events are occurring throughout the day for the larger part of a week. The Arnold Sports Festival is a yearly occurrence and will take place in early March, 2015.
Arnold Sports Festival – February 27th – March 2nd, 2014 / Greater Columbus Convention Center / /