Posted on: March 24, 2015 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

We were able to speak with Auburn, Indiana’s own Art of A Sinner. Can you introduce yourselves?

Adam Hudson, Guitar. Jeremy Elliott, Vocals. Joe Contreras, Guitar. Davis Reid, Keys & Synth. Kade Edwards, Drums.


In two or three sentences, what does the band provide over other metal bands currently out there?

It’s simply a different perspective.  We don’t try to be the most outrageous or fancy sounding. We just try to offer people something they can relate to.

What sort of setup (instruments, studios) did the band employ during your recording process?

We actually do our own recording using various DAW’s, VST’s & other studio gear. Adam & Joe play Washburn & Shecter guitars.

Art of A Sinner’s music is intricate and employs a number of disparate elements. What process of song-writing and arranging does the band employ?

We act a lot on where the previous riff takes us. We like to stay true to the name & give the music an artistic feel as opposed to just seeing how brutal things can be.

What are the band’s biggest influences?

The band list could go on forever but some of the bigger influences would be bands such as Born of Osiris, Meshuggah, Pantera, (old) Mudvayne, Tool, & millions more. We also like to use life & our surroundings as influence in the writing process. Its gives people a sort of attachment they can hold on to.

How has the band evolved since your earliest cuts?

We are an entirely different band at this point. We have had several line-up changes over the past year or so & it has changed the writing style, influences, & overall sound entirely.  With the addition of Davis on keys, we were able to add an entirely different element to the music which we love. We actually cut most of the old songs that were written because they just didn’t go with what we were doing now.

What does the rest of 2015 hold for you?

2015 could hold lots of things for us. We are trying for the Rock on the Range show, we also have a few shows we are working on for the next few months as well. We are also working on finishing up our debut EP which we are hoping to have finished up some time this summer.

A) How are social media services different from the traditional face to face meeting that musicians traditionally utilize when they play live? B) Are the types of fans different between online and offline interactions?

  1. A) Face to face interaction is always best in our eyes. It gives you a better more personal connection with your fanbase. Not everyone spends all their time checking out Facebook or Twitter accounts so in order to connect with as many people as possible, you really need that one-on-one connection.
  2. B) You can definitely tell who your biggest fans are by who comes to shows. The people that are going out of their way to see you & talk to you are obviously your truest fans.

You are looking toward performing at a few shows / festivals this year. What are your next dates, and what can listeners to do help you out?

We are about to spend some time working on recording but we are still doing a small amount of booking. We will be in Anderson, IN April 11th, & we are in talks with a couple of different promoters about getting on a couple of different festivals in May & later on this summer. Nothing is set in stone on those, but we are looking forward to getting out & away from home. As far as helping out goes, SHARE SHARE SHARE!! That’s what we tell everyone we meet. At this stage of the game a lot of it will rely on word of mouth so sharing the pages & following us will go a long way!!

How can interested readers find more information about Art of A Sinner?

We update our pages CONSTANTLY so you can follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Reverbnation, & Instagram to get updates on shows, & just about anything else you need to know about us.

Thank you so much for your time.

Thank you!

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