Thump Keg Brewing’s Rye IPA is brewed in collaboration with George Dickel. The beer pours with a very root beer / dark brown coloration and a top of tannish head that gradually increases to about a finger’s width amount on the top of the glass. Thump Keg’s Rye IPA has a sweet nose that concludes with the faintest hint of hops. Strong vanilla flavors permeate this beer, while the 50 IBU are hidden decently through the bolder bourbon and malt sides.
Each sip of the Rye IPA concludes with a hop twist, making the overall experience refreshing and fulfilling. The beer would be a perfect introduction for those imbibers that like porters and stouts and want to give the IPA style a fair shake. This beer will pair nicely with beef, appetizers, lamb, and anything with a bold and strong flavor profile. There is a thickness to Thump Keg’s Rye IPA that will work perfectly in the cooler nights in the spring.
Thump Keg has an Agave Wheat to round out their product offerings. For more information about each of these efforts, give the Thump Keg website a spin. Make sure to purchase a six-pack of Thump Keg’s Rye IPA at your local beer store or well-stocked supermarket/convenience store.
Rating: 7.3/10
Rye IPA / Thump Keg Brewing Company / 6.2% ABV / 50 IBU /