Posted on: May 13, 2013 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 1


Highlander Honey is a new addition to the Dewar’s line, and it provides imbibers with a considerably different flavor than has been present in Dewar’s bottles up to this point. There is a greater sweetness to Highlander Honey that matches well the inimitable Dewar’s bite; the Dewar’s White Label is mixed with honey created from honeybees in the Scottish heather. By keeping the proof high, what Dewar’s has done with this product is to create a perfect stepping-stone from no-name whiskies into the full range of Dewar’s expressions. For those imbibers that are already fans of scotch, the Highlander Honey is sufficiently different from what is already in liquor cabinets that a night with the spirit will be unforgettable.

The infusion of honey ensures that, no matter what drink one creates with the Highlander Honey (neat, on the rocks, or some mixed drink like a Whisper or a Clansman’s Coffee), there is a much more complex and interesting flavor profile. Hints of peat and moss can still be discerned, but the touch of sugar creates something exciting that has to be experienced. I would recommend putting an ice cube or two in with a measure of Highlander Honey, as the added water will provide further complexity for anyone that is sipping the scotch.

Make sure to check out the Dewar’s website for more information about their product line and cocktails that can be made with their products. Highlander Honey can be purchased at any well-stocked liquor store for around $24.

Rating: 8.6/10

Dewar’s Highlander Honey Review / 80 Proof /

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1 people reacted on this

  1. I finally found this on the shelf today. I was hoping for, and somewhat expecting, a flavor that attempted to resemble a Rusty Nail. Let’s face it, I don’t particularly enjoy spending nearly $40 for a bottle of Drambuie, so a honey-infused bottle of White Label had the potential to reduce the cost of my one-a-day (translation: 2+ a day) rusty nail fix.

    Anyone with similar expectations should be forewarned that this is not the flavor I encountered. This is not to say it’s not a pleasant experience, but this is not a substitute for a genuine Nail. And that’s okay.

    Ultimately, it’s too sweet for my taste. I will pour a glass on occasion, but it won’t replace the Rusty Nail as my go-to drink. The fine people at The Drambuie Liqueur Company can sleep peacefully knowing they will continue to generate revenue from my $40 purchase every other month.

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