Posted on: June 25, 2007 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Slug #221 / Free / 1:15 / 64M / /

Salt Lake City is starting to get warm. And, with the weather changing, the sports coverage of Slug changes as well. Gone are all the features about snowboarding, present are a number of pieces about up and coming skateboarders. However, what really gets me with each issue of Slug is their major focus on bands around the scene. I must admit, I’ve not heard of Subrosa, Blackhole, Thunderfist, or the Purr Bats. What the staff of Slug do is give each of the bands around two pages to show individuals why they should buy their merch. The full-color layout, coupled with interesting and captivating writing, ensure that the bands will get a nice little boost in show attendance and merch sales for the next few months to come. Another strength to this issue is a similar type of focus on the specific artists around the scene. The artists themselves are given much less space to play with (and in a weird twist of irony, the layout is extremely normal for these pieces), but readers will still be coerced into going and seeing the fruits of their labors just the same. The amount of advertisements is small for the size of this magazine and really only pertain to those individuals that are in the geographic area covered by this magazine. As this is a local ‘zine, the specificity of the ads can be overlooked. Most of the people that read the magazine can actually hit up the stores. Digressions aside, this is for me the strongest issue of Slug yet; I hope to see more from this magazine in the months to come.

Rating: 7.4/10

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