Posted on: August 23, 2007 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

1)Who are the members of the band and what do they play?

Hi, everybody, I’m Roberto Tax Farano and I play guitar and sing in Angeli. Maximo plays drums and Marco is the bass player.

2) How old are each of you?

I’m 33 by the time you read this, Max is 28 and Marco 25.

3)When was the band formed?

Angeli were born in late 96.

4)In your opinions what genre of music are you?

Call it punk rock, call it hardcore, or just listen and make your own label.

5)In which city are you currently residing?

Torino, Italy

6)What label are you on currently, and which labels have you been on?

We released two albums for Free Land Records, from Catania, Italy.

7)Have any of you played in another band?

I played guitar in Negazione, we went on from 83 to 92, releasing 4 albums, touring extensively across Europe and did a tour in the States as well, in 1990, together with DOA. Max was the drummer for Negazione for the last year, before that he was playin with Indigesti.

8)Are you all in the process of recording an album or touring?

We are currently playing around Italy and soon we’ll tour Europe.

9)What is your favorite touring experience?

My fave is when we are playing down in South Italy where the people is hot and the food is delicious.

10)Which bands have you toured with?

With Angeli we played with Foo Fighters, Rocket from the Crypt, Dog Eat Dog, New Bomb Turks, No Fx and others. No
tours, just supporting.

11)What are each of your favourite bands?

Would be hard to say just one name, probably Black Flag, Bad Brains from the past and All and New Bomb Turks from the present.

12)What was the last album each of you bought?

Last one I bought was La Teoria del Frigo Vuoto by Brutopop, an instrumental band from Rome recorded by Don Zientara
in Washington DC.

13)What is the weirest sex dream have each of you had?

I forget other dreams usually and sex dreams are no exception.

14)Which independant label do you think helps the bands in their roster the most?

If Epitaph is considered indipendant, you have your name. In Italy there are several small indipendant ones, and the best help is to release the album, after that you’re on your own. At least for us.

15)Which zine is your favorite?

In Italy Trippa Shake, very funny zine.

16)Where can people contact the band at?

Write me at [email protected]

17)What places do each of you work in your spare time?

I work at home, doing movie soundtracks, radio jingles and the likes, with samplers, computer and so on. Got a
little home studio.

18)For all of our readers, are any of you single?

Maximo and Marco are, but not this weekend. But this weekend I’m single, so…..

19)Are you sXe or normal people?

Sorry, I’m not normal. I don’t eat meat, I eat fish and eggs and cheese, I drink and smoke a la carte but quit cigarettes for personal reasons.

20)In your concerts, which songs by which bands do you cover?


21)In you had the chance, would you sign on to a major label,or stay independant?

After 17 years playing in bands and being fucked up by independant labels I would like to try to get fucked by a major for a change.

22)Which Sesame Street Character is the best-looking?

Don’t know that..

23)Does the band have a webpage?

Yes, It’s Angeli Home Page, including stuff on Negazione and other things about me. I personally maintain it, so do it personally and please visit and leave a note in the guestbook. Other than that, have a nice life, enjoy and see you ……. ciao Tax 1

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