I know as a child, I loved anything to do with black cherry. The one bad thing was that pretty much any company that did black cherry soda were those at the discount grocery store; there was not a high class brand of black cherry soda to be had. I feel that a number of individuals in the United States felt the same way, and that the black cherry taste has been unfairly discounted in the past. However, Cruzan’s Black Cherry Rum seeks to rectify this. The bottle itself describes an “adult†version of the black cherry soda that I had when I was a child, by mixing the rum with a type of cola. However, I would exhort individuals to actually sip on a shot (or two) of Cruzan Black Cherry Rum. The black cherry flavoring links together with the rum flavoring to create a complex flavor that ties together a nutty flavor with a more floral one.
The alcohol thus is the perfect straight shot or perfect alcohol to be mixed in a drink. The brand was introduced in 2007, and really marked for Cruzan a breaking out of the box that culminated in the release of the Guava Rum in May of this year. For a drink that Cruzanely hits the spot during a warm summer’s day, I would suggest the “Cruzan Cherry Orchardâ€, which ties together equal parts Black Cherry and Light Rum with apple juice, along with half measures of lemon juice and simple syrup. If you want to go off of the “flavor deep end†and really experience something that has not previously been put forth in this type of presentation, I would have to whole-heartedly recommend the Cruzan Black Cherry Rum. Keep an eye on Cruzan and their different contributions to the realm of flavored alcohol.
Rating: 8.2/10
Cruzan Black Cherry Rum / 2007 Cruzan / 55 Proof / http://www.cruzanrum.com /