Posted on: October 23, 2008 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

This is another zine that I think that I picked up on the free table for UPC. Wanted really has some potential, something that just briefly begins to shine with the pieces that are contained in this issue. The front and back covers of this zine seem really jumbled and without direction, but this is only a diversionary tactic, something to further hide the excellent work inside. Specifically, instructions for how to make a skirt and a paper balloon seem interesting enough, if not a tad confusing, but a major focus on James Bond only begins to stoke my desire in what the editor has to say about the Ian Fleming construct, something that I am sure that she more than covers in her first issue. Other pieces of note in the magazine include a few artsy pieces on Frida Kahlo, the world-renowned Mexican artist, which includes a number of facts that I just did not know before reading the magazine. The Mermaid, the pseudonym for the editor, makes clear throughout the issue that this is only the beginnings of the magazine, even going so far as to label this piece a 0th issue. Unfortunately, the Mermaid must be an underwater nomad, because as far as I can discern, she does not leave any indication where she lives, instead only telling the potential reader to “pick up the next issue where you found this one.”

Rating : 6.9/10.

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