Posted on: October 27, 2008 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Wonka Vision #19 – This zine is produced by one guy out of his room. He mentions that in his opening letter to his audience. However, that is painfully obvious with all of the minor mistakes present in this zine. The layouts are visually stunning, the interviews are not too long, and the zine goes by relatively quickly. Justin makes sure to intersperse well-known bands with those that are lesser known, but I have to take issue with the fact that Jersey Beat #72, Wonka Vision #19, Alarm #13 and Razorcake #11 share a lot of the same content, including interviews with the Bouncing Souls (Alarm and Wonka), Bad Religion (Razorcake and Wonka), and so on and so on. Perhaps this is just because most of these issues were released at the same period, but one wonders if individuals could possibly do different interviews, instead of with bands that have just released an album. By far, this is the most professionally laid out of the zines I’ve seen latly, but one wonders if more work could be done by moving resources from the layout to the actual content of the magazine. A good, solid magazine, and one that is most definitely worth the $2.95 cover price.

Wonka Vision #19 / $2.95 / No Trade / Full Size / 104 Pages / [email protected] / Wonka Vision, P.O. Box 63642, Philadelphia, PA 19147

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