Posted on: November 6, 2008 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Woo! Another great zine that I picked up from UPC. I was so nervous when I came up to the WIPE table, I rambled through some form of greeting, and then proceeded to grab myself this issue of WIPE, mainly because it had a bunch of different colors! Woo! 😀 I’m not disappointed in the material inside either, as it is the same high quality stuff that I’ve learned to love from this East Coast Crew. While I can honestly look people in the face and tell them that I just don?t like perzines, this zine is an exception. Instead of doing the simple diary-entry style so prevalent in most of the zines today, they really go out of their way to make the zine personable. It honestly does seem as if one is sitting alongside them as all this shit is going down. Highlights to this issue include a recollection of the Skate and Surf Fest as well as the trials and tribulations that they had to go through with booking a specific group for campus programming, stuff that I?ve had to deal with before. Go send 2 stamps per issue you want to The World Would be a much better place if everybody wore tight pants, PO Box 577, St. James, NY 11780.

Rating : 7.0/10

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