You Idiot has always been a strong and fun magazine, with an interesting look at things that a great many individuals take for granted. For example, Nate eviscerated Christian video games in an earlier issue, and chooses to pick on Christian music and Christian attitudes towards popular children’s toys and books (Harry Potter). Reading an earlier issue of Genetic Disorder (#14 if I’m not mistaken), I feel that Nate treads a lot of the same ground with this issue. Assuming (and this is a pretty safe assumption) that individuals are not familiar with that specific issue of GD, You Idiot shows the absurdities of Christianity time and time again. Whether it be the “book-cutting†of Harry Potter works or showing that Christian authors feel that My Little Pony and Pokemon are tools of Satan, the point is clear: fundamentalist Christians are bat-shit crazy. The layout of this issue is sharp, but the text of the articles themselves tend to glide together a little too easily. Perhaps a change in the font or font size would ameliorate this unfortunate problem. The use of a theme to focus Nate’s energies makes this a much more stable read that many zines that tend to go off topics and into tangents at the drop of a hat. If you want to know more about the intricacies of Christian hair band music, this issue of You Idiot is something that is absolutely essential to pick up! Get a subscription so that Nate can continue pumping out issues.
Rating: 6.2/10
You Idiot #4 / $2 / :40 / 28M / / Reviewed 14 June 2006