Primarily the smallest recipe zine in existence, Yum is page after page of recipes that gradually push the limits on what is typically made for breakfast, lunch, or dinner by your average zinester. Whether it is the Anti-Talibanana Bread or a Nacho Casserole, Yum! makes sure that each recipe is relatively easy to make and particularly nummy to eat. Instead of providing relatively few instructions for each of the recipes, assuming that each chef will have a basic knowledge of cooking and measuring techniques, Yum! has incredibly detailed instructions, insuring that even the neophytes in culinary arts will be able to make edible dishes. Focusing on vaguely ethnic recipies, recipes for Summer Rolls and Pierogies make previously unseen flavors in stale foods (rice noodles, pototaos). Ending the zine is an article decrying the tendancy of cookbooks to include at least one un-gettable item, such as Ghee or Galam Marsala. Yum! is a zine that tries to set right this tendency, making sure that even individuals that live night to night on the most modest means will be able to scrape together the ingredients necessary for the recipe. There are two minor problems with this issue, being the fact that the font does not change between recipes or between the ingredient list and the instructions. Secondly, there seems to be a problem with the formatting in the issue, as some of the recipes are split up on two non-consequential pages.
Rating : 6.9/10
Yum #1 / 16 Pages /Half-Sized / [email protected] / Reviewed 18 October 2003