Posted on: December 28, 2008 Posted by: Jay NeuFutur Comments: 0

We have received for review a disproportionate share of rums during the year and a half that we have had our alcohol review section active. However, this is the first time that we have been fortunate enough to review a Spiced Rum. Before receiving the Captain Morgan 100 Proof Spiced Rum, my only experience with that variety of rum came in the Lady Bligh that a number of friends swore by. Needless to see, I was not too impressed when I took a swig off their bottle, and I am even less impressed with that brand after trying Captain Morgan’s version.

Of course, the first thing that individuals will glean from this bottle is the rum flavor – full-=bodied without being overly intense, surprising given the higher proof of Captain Morgan’s. However, when one gets into the more complex flavors, what comes forth is something completely sublime – the vanilla notes of the rum are kicked up a notched by the spices present, making for something that will really pop on a drinker’s tongue.

The price point of the rum ($22) and the fact that in many instances, the Spiced Rum outperforms in smoothness and kick, should ensure that you look into purchasing a bottle for yourself. And don’t worry if you are unsure if you will like it as Diageo, the releasing company, has put forth a variety of sizes that rage all the way from 50 milliliters all the way up to 1.5 liters. Captain Morgan’s 100 Proof Spiced Rum is perfect as a straight sipping drink, a shot, or mixed into coke or similar non-alcoholic spirits. While rum fans will love it, I think that individuals that might not have liked rum in the past will find something that they can appreciate about Captain Morgan’s latest addition to eir world-renowned line.

Rating: 8.6/10

Captain Morgan 100 Proof Spiced Rum (100 Proof) / Captain Morgan Rum Co. / /

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