Posted on: January 2, 2009 Posted by: Jay NeuFutur Comments: 0

For some reasons, the amount of whiskey (and whisky) that we have received seems to be well beyond that of any other type of spirit. There have been a number of great whiskeys that have crossed this reviewer’s table in the year or so since we first opened the alcohol reviews section, then, and Pendleton is one of the best that we’ve ever had the chance to lay lips on. Once one opens the cork, the bouquet of the whisky is immediately present.

Not too strong, but with a robustness present that shows that Pendleton is not something to take lightly. The woodsy aroma mixes with the bite of alcohol to introduce potential imbibers nicely, coupling with the light brown of the spirit to make a strong case for consumption. Where there are equal amounts of whisky that could be said to either be mixing or sipping, Pendleton has a versatility to it that ensures that individuals that have a bottle in their liquor cabinet will rapidly be able to drain it, whether it be through adding water or having it on the rocks, or throwing it together with Coke or Sprite. The price of the Pendleton Whiskey (hovering around $24) should be at a level to introduce drinkers to a super-premium alcohol at a discount price.

The complex flavors present in Pendleton should be enough to allow drinkers to finish off a bottle without getting all the smoky and fruit flavors contained at progressively deeper levels of the spirit. Make sure to pick up a bottle of the Pendleton Whisky if it is available at your local liquor store and, if that is not a possibility for you (and your state) order a bottle online. Even if you are not the biggest fan of whiskey/whisky generally, Pendleton is something to search out.

Rating: 8.8/10

Pendleton Blended Canadian Whisky (80 Proof) / Hood River Distillers / /

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