Posted on: February 24, 2009 Posted by: Jay NeuFutur Comments: 0

Individuals that have not had a chance to take on the Noilly Prat on their own should look into it; it is an interesting type of spirit that really has nothing in the way of comparison. This is likely due to the different blend of herbs and spices that are entered into the unique process that Noilly Prat has guarded, and is the main reason why it is seen as a stand-alone drink in many of the European countries. If you are a fan of Noilly Prat and want to see what variations on a theme are present, I would have to say that you first make it out to the official Noilly Prat shop, located in France for the Amber iteration of the spirit.

Furthermore, one can actually cook with the spirit in much the same way as a Sherry or similar cooking wine; the flavorings that are so unique to the Noilly Prat work well in a pinch for any fish-related sauces or marinades. Individuals that have had a dry martinin with Noilly Prat in the last few years may notice a little bit of difference. This is due to the fact that the American version of Noilly Prat was more dry (less in the way of sugar) than was the European (French) version. In order to spice things up, the Noilly Prat company has restored the original French variant to the United States, which is great news.

The “new” dry martini is a little less biting and actually has a warmth present to it that was not present when one used the original American iteration. Throw in a third Noilly Prat and two-thirds of your favorite gin, and you have one of the world’s best known and best tasting sipping drinks. The spirit has been around since the 1850s, and there is good reason for that. It is incredibly versatile and will work in countless different ways dependent on how individuals wish to use it. Make it a point to spend the few extra bucks and pick up a bottle of Noilly Prat before your next shindig or crazy party.

Rating: 8.5/10

Noilly Prat (36 Proof) / Vermouth /

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