While some may say that the Complete Idiot’s Guides are getting increasingly less relevant as the years go on, I feel that there are still a lot of good things to be educated about coming out of these titles. In “Eating Well After Weight Loss Surgeryâ€, Margaret Furtado and Joseph Ewing match wits to create a fulfilling and healthy life for those individuals that have elected to choose weight loss surgery. This means that there are well-written (but not overly complex) instructions present throughout this tome, along with countless recipes and further tips placed throughout.
Chapter 6 may just be one of the more informative of these pieces, where there is a listing of minerals and vitamins present that will provide readers with a good starting map for what needs to be taken in and what may be currently lacking from a diet immediately after surgery. While it seems somewhat simple, the discussion that is present here about the importance of fluids may just mean the difference between illness and good health for those that can benefit from this book. The layout of the book is solid, too.
Where the first half of the book goes into detail about the different issues that may confront recovering individuals (deceptive food labels, the good and bad things to look out for in regards to carbs, sugars, and the like), the second half provides enough receives to keep things fresh and beneficial to anyone that prepares them for months after they purchase this book. Where the title seems to make this book only for those individuals that have had Weight Loss Surgery, there is a tremendous amount of information that could be used by those individuals that wish to become more healthy. If you or someone you know has had surgery, or just simply wants to become a more healthy individual, make sure to pick up this resource by Furtado and Ewing. It may be the difference between life and death.
Rating: 8.0/10
The Complete Idiot’s Guide To Eating Well After Weight Loss Surgery (Book) / 2009 Alpha Books / $18.95 / 368M / http://www.idiotsguides.com