Posted on: February 12, 2010 Posted by: Jay NeuFutur Comments: 1

Alamo Beer seems to be the perfect blend of larger beer and home-brewed / microbrewed styles. There is an easy drinking taste to it that will appease fans of Budweiser and Samuel Adams like, while there is a smoothness that makes the aftertaste into something like the lightest of porters. When pouring, there is a strong golden color to the beer itself while pouring a very small head, while initial flavors present bring together fruit and malt to the All-American “beer” flavor fostered from older regional efforts like Schaefer and Schlitz (and Pabst) all the way to the current generation of beers today.

This is essentially a beer that individuals can sit down with and actually feel as if they are getting somewhere, instead of going through a 12 pack of a Milwaukee Best Light and feeling as if one is merely “renting” the beer. There is just enough in the way of bite in the finish to make this a perfect beer to use as a palette cleanser during dinner or cheese sessions, but there is versatility enough to allow parties of all types to be graced by the presence of Alamo Golden Ale.

Rating: 8.0/10

Alamo Golden Ale / 4.8% ABV /

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1 people reacted on this

  1. Hey James,

    Thank you for reviewing our brand.

    We wanted to inform you that Alamo Beer will be having an event this Saturday in Backstage Live to honor the return of the Travis Letter. You can go to our Facebook Event Page to find out more about it:

    We are hoping that you will attend as you are a valuable part of our community. Tell your friends and family cause the more there is of you, the merrier. We would also be honored if you could promote the event through your site.

    We will stay in touch and hoping to see you at the event!

    Alamo Beer

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