Posted on: February 28, 2010 Posted by: Jay NeuFutur Comments: 0

While we have had a few nut and brown ales over the course of our post-21 years, I feel that the Southern Pecan Nut Brown Ale put out by Lazy Magnolia is one of the beast efforts that we have tasted in the style. The label itself is fairly nondescript, blending tan with brown lettering, while the beer’s color is rendered invisible by the brown color of the bottle.

The flavor of the beer navigates the narrows between a Guinness and an average India Pale Ale, rendering a full-bodied taste alongside a smoothness that is very rarely found in beer tasting. For those that truly want to get a semblance of what the Lazy Magnolia Southern Pecan tastes like, make sure to make this effort the first tasting of the night, or have it paired alongside inoffensive American macrobrews.

If you do that, the tremendous amount of nuance present in this beer will be shown. For every bit of beer bite that one gets from the Southern Pecan, sweeter hints of pecan, maple, and even sugar can be found. Properly chilled, l what will result is something utterly sublime, a feel that is incredibly easy to drink while still having a distinctive flavor profile to work off from. Lazy Magnolia may not be well-stocked up here in Ohio, but I know that I will be searching out their Southern Pecan and some of their other efforts. Check them out today.

Rating: 7.3/10

Lazy Magnolia Southern Pecan (4.02% ABV) / Beer /

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