Posted on: October 19, 2010 Posted by: Jesse_Hayges Comments: 0

Moshi Mouth is a newer App by a developer named Mind Candy. This App is a poorly done, though well drawn, attempt at making you into a monster mouth. The App is easy enough to use, and is, as stated above, well drawn, but it doesn’t offer much else. It does do, however, exactly what it promises. The App comes complete with six different Moshi Monsters to pick from, along with their bios. This is a nice little feature, one that we say back when I did a review of the Skeleanimals game.

Each of the six Moshi that you have to choose from will play an attractive sounding sound byte that belongs to each of the monsters, then it will load up a picture of the closed mouth from the respective monster. As you talk the mouth, shakily, animates to try and match what your own mouth should be doing behind the iPhone. This doesn’t come over 100% but it does do a pretty good job, even if it is shaky.

There are no special sounds that can be played if you wanna do something more elaborate, and there is no voice changing option in sight. The characters are cute, and the opening sounds are cute, but you have to alter your voice all on your own. I have seen other Apps that do this for you. Though, in truth, I’ve never been too convinced as to whether or not the iPhone really can do the work of a voice changer in a workable fashion. This App, on the other hand, doesn’t even make that attempt netting it a missed point out of ten.

I did, however, say that the App was really well drawn. The interface is crisp, and clean on my iPhone 4 and it does look rather spiffy. the two flying Moshi Monsters hover nicely, and the others have animated bits that operate in the same wonderfully fluid movements that their flying counterparts possess. The animation that happens in between different functions is very nice and reminds me of some better transitions I’ve seen done lately for Apple’s Keynote App on the iPad. Each of the Moshi Monsters Bios are here, as I had mentioned, and the art work here is also very nice. Having a paragraph about each of the Moshi Monsters might influence your choice as to whose mouth you might want to rap out of.

All and all I have to say this App looks good, but not much else. The designer shows some real promise though. I just can’t get behind an App like this one though. As cool as it sounded, and it would have been a nice party gag for this Halloween, this App sadly disappoints me. I can’t really give it more than a Fiver for it’s awesome graphics, and one extra point for having a intuitive interface. I wish I could do more, but my honesty glad is kicking in on this edition of the short list.

App receives a 6/10 – on a ten point scale.

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