Posted on: February 6, 2011 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

There are a number of different companies that frequent the water pipe and similar type of scenes, and I cannot say how many of them seem to put the bare minimum of work into their products. Vortex Water Pipes is decidedly the opposite of that, and their Gravity Vortex is one of the best products that we have received for review over at NeuFutur. The coloring is by far the shallowest aspect of the product, but may just be the most striking. Whether pink, green or blue, the Gravity Vortex is inviting. It is really when one picks up the Gravity Vortex when the product’s quality comes into play.

Where many individuals will be familiar with hand-made approximations, the Gravity Vortex is made from incredibly-heavy plastic. The product will withstand a number of drops or other calamities, while the valve can withstand even the roughest touch for as long as one has the product. The presence of the valve on the Gravity Vortex allows for individuals to take down as much smoke as they like. Even the most experienced smoker will likely not be able to do a complete chamber on the Gravity Vortex. Consumption of plant materials is incredibly low over the amount that would be combusted in either cigars or cigarettes , and using the Gravity Vortex is much safer than either of those methods.

Cleanup on the Gravity Vortex is easy – all one needs to do is put some water in, swish it around, and they will be able to enjoy the same high-quality smoke as they did when they first picked it up. Make sure to go to your local smoke shop and see if they have it in stock. If they don’t, I’m sure they will be able to put in an order.

Rating: 9.0/10

Gravity Vortex /

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