Posted on: April 20, 2011 Posted by: Jesse_Hayges Comments: 0

Ever since the Apple made the Mac AppStore, I have made it a habit to go trolling through the different lists to find Apps that would make my Mac-loving-readers lives a little easier. On one such adventure, trudging through the endless deluge of crapware, I discovered a few gems. Among the list was the App; SideFolders. Said App is a wonderful way to gain access to commonly used folders and applications from your desktop without having to launch a finder window, or scroll endlessly through stacks. While I’m a big fan of stacks, if you don’t do your homework, and really-really fine tune your folders, stacks can end up being a big hassle. In addition, it also bloats up your dock if you cram seven stacks to the right of your docked Apps. This is where SideFolders has the chance to save the day.

SideFolders is designed to hide on the left, or right, side of your desktop. While it’s sitting there, laying in wait, it houses all of the folders you could even need in a hurry. By default, SideFolders has Devices, Shared, Places, Recent, and Downloads, but with just a click of the plus button, you can add any folder you want. Alternatively, you can also drag and drop a shortcut to a folder there as well. The Interface is pretty self explanatory. You just hover at the designated side of your monitor, and a little window slides out containing a file tree. You click on the triangle, or double click, on the folder you want to go diving into and then find your file. This also is nice for DropBox.

DropBox really needed this feature, but thankfully SideFolders has got you covered. If you want to load a picture into your DropBox, from your desktop or any other folder, it’s easy to just drag your picture right into the SideFolders container and drop it into your DropBox folder. This works out really well. Once the folder senses the change, which usually happens pretty quickly, the DropBox utility will immediately begin the syncing process to reflect the new picture being added.

One thing I’ve find useful since I started to test this most recent set of Apps, is that I can make a folder full of things I want to send as attachments to people at a later date, and thanks to OSX having the ability to add attachments by way of drag and drop, I can just dump file after file from SideFolders and I save space on my desktop.

Currently, the AppStore lists SideFolders as being available for the low price of $4.99. This is a bargain, in my opinion, for such a great App. With an easy to use interface, which is just the way we like it here on the Short List, and a good amount of functionality, this App is a must have for those looking to save space and time. I do have some minor complaints about this App, but they are mostly just my gripes about wanting everything on my Mac to match. So, think about it you guys over there at code529; Themes would kick some ass. Total I give this App an 8 out of 10 points for being something I’ve been looking for along time, and finally bringing me the functionality I’ve been long hoping for on my Mac.

As a bonus to our readers, the people behind this wonderful App have offered up a few codes for our readers. So, you guys know what that means. It’s contest time! Here’s what I am thinking for this round; Shoot me an email with your favorite Frank Zappa quote. Doesn’t have to be a line from a song, just as long as it passed through Frank’s mustached lips, it qualifies. My email is listed if you click on my name at the top of the review. I don’t know how many codes are up for grabs, because they’ve not sent them to me, so feel free to pick the most outrageous quotes, or if you want maybe you are a fan and have a story about Frank, send me that too. Basically, anything that gets you noticed by me will help. Deadline for this contest will be Monday April, 25th.

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