Posted on: April 6, 2011 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Most times in our Health and Fitness section, we ensure that we have went through the entire amount of whatever product we get – whether it is a pre-workout supplement, protein, or the like. However, we are so impressed by the Sweet Sweat Stick that we simply had to review it about a week after receiving it. The product is similar to a roll-on deodorant, and a quick test of the product revealed that is tremendously effectual. We put the Sweet Sweat on one leg and not on the other, and began a quick thirty-minute cardio workout.

At the end of this workout, the leg that we applied the Sweet Sweat to was tighter, more sweaty, and looked better than the normal leg. After a week of using the product on exposed body parts, through a blend of cardio and weight-training, we have already noticed a significant change. Where we had some substantive flab underneath our arms before use of the Sweet Sweat Stick, we have noticed a tightening up of the skin in a way that normal fitness activities simply does not do. Where different iterations of the Sweet Sweat Stick are used for MMA fighters to rapidly shed weight, I feel that pretty much any individual that exercises at a normal clip should search out their own Sweet Sweat Stick and see exactly what improvement comes with it.

Finally, for those that would normally be worried about the acne that comes with a number of supplements, don’t – just take a shower after working out and the Sweet Sweat residue will slide right off. The price of this product ($29.99 MSRP) is also cheap enough that the two-three months of product use is a tremendous value. So, go to your locally well-stocked fitness store (or check out the linked site above) and get yourself a Sweet Sweat Stick today. You’ll see results soon after.

Rating: 9.2/10

Sweet Sweat Stick (6.4 Oz) / 2011 SRC Fit /

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