When it is compared to the amount of running, weight-lifting, cardio, or any sort of exercise an individual may do, scooping out a load of protein powder seems like a lot of work. However, Twinlab’s new product, Power Fuel, has made it much easier to get the benefits from the workout that you truly need.
This is due to the fact that Power Fuel moves beyond simple pre-workout formula territory and into a must-have supplement. For those that have not used Power Fuel in the past, all that is needed to be done is to blend the powder with water, see where the Power Fuel takes you, and add another scoop if things do not amp up promptly. Blending together the beginnings of Nitric Oxide, creatine (five different processes bring the much-needed nutrient to you), and further additions meant to energize and provide a long-lasting addition to anyone’s workout.
The electric blue raspberry flavor of the Power Fuel will be appreciated by any fan of sports’ drinks; the flavor, not the supplement, is what is eminently testable with Power Fuel. Buy a case of these stick packs (10 in all) at the Twinlab website (linked above) or go to your local gym or fitness store to pick them up for around $22. The Power Fuel is what individuals need to stay healthy throughout a workout regimen, while making sure that their muscle gain, energy levels, and recovery stay high throughout even off-days.
Rating: 9.0/10
Power Fuel Stick Packs / Twinlab / .71 OZ / http://www.twinlabfuel.com