Posted on: January 16, 2012 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 1

While most of the outward design of workout supplements is intended to bring buyers in through flashy text and graphics, the designers at Pharmafreak want to show the quality of their product. This is done by essentially putting a book’s worth of material on each box. While one will likely read product reviews such as this one to determine whether they wish to take this product, I really feel as if all the reasons have already been presented on this box.

Regardless, we loved what Amino Freak did for us. Whether an individual wishes to take Amino Freak in tablet or powder form, the results are the same. The product ensures that an individual takes more amino acids in than would normally be allowed by the body, which can then lead to nearly a halving of the amount of muscle breakdown that is present during and after a workout . This is done by interrupting the catabolization of lean muscle tissue, which forces the workout process to burn fat. What results after supplementation with Amino Freak is considerable lean mass gain (with proper supplementation and a good diet).

Most individuals know that they have to take amino acids to stave off a body’s desire to burn up the muscle that one wants. However, the sheer amount of companies that are coming out with amino acid products is astronomical; do your research, read reviews, and make sure to check out the facts printed out on Pharmafreak’s Amino Freak box. Check out their website (linked above) for more information and a listing of the products that they currently produce. If they are as good as Amino Freak, we will be a life-time customer.

Rating: 9.0/10

Amino Freak / Amino Acids / /

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