Posted on: April 25, 2012 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

This is a title that comprises both Deadliest Warrior: The Game and Deadliest Warrior: Legends. This represents a physical version of the two aforementioned titles, which were previously only available for gamers through their respective online marketplaces. To further add value to this video game, Spike has added a number of Deadliest Warrior episodes.

The title itself does a great job in showcasing the “what-if” scenarios that fuel Deadliest Warrior; one can honestly feel considerable variation in the different groups and peoples that are captured in each title. The inclusion of the Graveyard arena to the available battlegrounds keeps things fresh, while I feel that the addition of a wide array of new weapons will change players’ strategies in dispatching their foes considerably.

Here’s to hoping that other games can be created using the Deadliest Warrior name; I feel that the energy and brutality of the show is conferred nicely to these titles. While these were originally digital releases, I feel that the additional coat of polish that has been placed on them makes this into a must-have game. Make sure to pick it up for yourself whenever you get a paycheck, or pick it up as a present for anyone that is a fan of the show. The $30 price point is substantially lower than other new games, while the additional episodes that are present here will have viewers’ attention for a few additional hours.

Rating: 7.7/10

Deadliest Warrior Ancient Combat (Xbox 360) / 2012 345 Games /

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