Posted on: April 7, 2012 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 1


The Netis WF-2404 wireless router provides purchasers with four distinct tools – it is a firewall, a WAP (wireless access point), a switch, and a NAT-router. Setup is simple, as are advanced options – there is a hardware protected setup option that can be turned on with the push of a button. The WF-2404 works at the 802.11n, 801.11g, and 802.11b standards, meaning that one can easily provide the internet and networking to computers, video game consoles, and the like.

For those individuals that are concerned about the amount or type of internet access that is available (e.g. those with teen-aged or younger children), the WF-2404 gives ample parental controls. With these, a variety of adult websites can be locked down. For those businesses that wish to use the WF-2404, the ability to remote connect has been included; network supervisors will be able to change settings and connect computers from their own offices. These options are intuitive and do not require much more than a passing familiarity with the user’s manual to operate. The WF-2404’s build quality is considerable; it will survive drops, spills, and other day to day hazards with nary a scratch.

Netis has kept things up to date regarding the driver and firmware, making for a router that has considerable uptime without any faults or similar drawbacks. Available from online retailers from about $25-35, there is no reason that individuals should not update to this cutting-edge router. I believe the WF-2404’s uptime should be the main reason why individuals purchase this router. Where cheaper products will require restarts, we have been able to keep this Netis router operating with a number of items connected 24/7 without a noticeable decrease in connection quality. Netis has some exciting products coming out this year, so check out their website for further information.

Rating: 9.0/10

Netis WF-2404 Wireless Router /

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1 people reacted on this

  1. I have a few of these as APs and routers, and in one case, am using the unit as a network client to connect a few devices to the main network through an AP. So on one LAN I use one for the routing, another as an AP, and another as a CLIENT to get to the AP.

    The unit defaults to 40 Mhz channel usage but it can be set to use just 20 Mhz of channel space, allowing me to still have NO overlapping channels (using 1, 6 and 11) and stick a Wireless G AP in my system for systems that don’t support 802.11N. The NetIS units are all set to be N only, not mixed, so some things won’t connect, which is why I have an AP in the network set to 802.11G

    The firmware update v1.2.16186 resets everything back to factory defaults, back to and user/pw of guest/guest, so if the firmware is updated from an earlier version, be prepared to start from scratch setting up the unit.

    Very nice unit, fast, and seems to be quite reliable.

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