Posted on: April 30, 2012 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 1


Steelseries has one of the best mice that we’ve reviewed in NeuFutur. It is based off of the Xai, and provides gamers with a number of fixes over the original. The mouse is designed to be beat to hell; no amount of hard-core gaming will even put a dent into the mouse. The finish on the top side can easily be wiped off, while the programming aspect of the mouse buttons will ensure a quicker response time. There are a number of non game-related functions for the Sensei; I found the mouse to be extraordinarily strong when editing in Adobe Photoshop or Microsoft Excel. For those that are used to stock mice, the Sensei does have a slight learning curve. This is largely due to the sheer amount of real estate the users will feel that they have gained.

For those concerned about the aesthetics of their peripherals, the Sensei can glow in any of 16 million colors. The customization options far outstrip other similar mice, both in terms of sheer look and actual optimization. The presence of the 32 bit ARM processor in the Sensei provides real-time representation of the user’s motions, while not taxing the computer to which it is attached. Essentially, the presence of this processor doubles the sensitivity that users will experience; the Sensei is the only mouse that can marry together these twin paragons of versatility and beauty.

The durability of the Sensei goes down even though the glides; the UPE which these consist will remove sticking and hesitations to users. Taken all together, the Sensei is a mouse that will be with a buyer for years; it is the complete package. Check out the Steelseries website for more information; they have a busy 2012 slate of products.

Rating: 9.2/10

Steelseries Sensei / $89.99 / Gaming Mouse /

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